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Crisis Management Today

Hennes Communications
Crisis Communications  |  Crisis Management  |  Litigation Communications  |  Media Training
March 1, 2023
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Our Perspective

headline hell
Who Had Meth in their Underwear? The Crucial Need for Clarity in Communications
By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications
We are all exposed to a barrage of headlines every day. We decide whether or not to click on stories by scanning through headlines. Headlines are also disguised as subject lines in our emails and as posts on Twitter and other social platforms. The crazier or more salacious, the more likely we are to click and view.
Secret Service Threat Assessment Report
U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center Issues Report
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications
Situational awareness refers to the ability to perceive, comprehend, and anticipate critical situations in real-time, allowing individuals to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions. It helps organizations stay proactive in managing crises, preventing accidents and reducing the impact of disasters. Situational awareness is especially critical for schools and houses of worship. Recently, the U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center issued a report analyzing 125 targeted attacks. This information is issued on a need to know basis – and it’s information you need to know.

In the News

squash a news story
Considerations Before Trying to Squash the Negative Story
It’s about to happen. You hear a story will run that says unfavorable things about your company. Or, perhaps it’s a story that might lead to negative financial ramifications for your client’s organization. Perhaps, you think, as a PR pro you are paid to use your relationship with the reporter and ask that she stop the story from running. Not so fast.
When ‘Correct’ Writing Looks Wrong, What’s a PR Writer to Do?
Careful writers, in and out of PR, have long relied on language conventions. They help distinguish one meaning from another. Those of a certain age rely on grammar (be tested vs. are tested), punctuation (eats, shoots, and leaves vs. eats shoots and leaves), spelling (forego vs. forgo) and usage (bimonthly vs. semimonthly).
coping with the press
How to…Cope with the Press
Less than a month into her job as director of public information, Capt. Nancy Demme of the Montgomery County (Md.) Police Department was looking forward to attending a media training program in neighboring Arlington. Demme never got to attend a single session. Instead, a deadly shooting spree began, and—ready or not—she was thrust into a real-life media tornado that schooled her better than any seminar could.
Company's reputation
When an Employee Threatens your Company’s Reputation
As business culture changes as a result of both the pandemic and generational shifts, employees can easily act in ways that, while acceptable some years back, are wholly unacceptable today. When that happens, the C-suite must act quickly to prevent reputational damage.
internal communications
Workers Fault Their Company’s Internal Comms
Most company leaders feel that they’re doing a good job when it comes to internal comms, according to communications management platform Axios HQ. Employees, however, aren’t quite so sure.
Oscar's crisis plan
Exclusive: Academy of Motion Pictures CEO Says New ‘Crisis Team’ Will Handle Future Fiascos Like the ‘Slap’
Since taking over the position of CEO of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences last July, Bill Kramer has spent a lot of time putting out fires. In the past two years, the Oscars ratings sank to their lowest in the show’s history. The Academy has tasked Kramer with convincing viewers who haven’t tuned into the Academy Awards for years—and aren’t watching many of the nominated films—to check out the show again. On top of that, he has to contend with the fallout from last year's 'Slap Heard 'Round the World'. Kramer says a “crisis team” has been put in place for the first time in Academy history to handle other possible surprise moments.
crisis response
PR Crisis Response is Much More Than Trusting Yourself, But It Begins There
“Don’t think, just do,” Tom Cruise’s character tells pilots as a confidence boost. Crisis consultants must impart the same confidence when they counsel executives to “go out there” and establish a narrative promptly. Rapid responses that are truthful and empathetic are keys to owning the narrative while manufactured, contrived apologies do the exact opposite.

Our Upcoming Seminars            In Case You Missed It

2/27/23      John Carroll University School of Business
2/28/23       Ohio Farmers' Markets
3/7/23        Aging Seniors Network East
3/10/23      Cleveland Assoc. of Temple & Syn. Directors
3/21/23      Library of Michigan
3/30/23      Cleveland Devel. Corp. Leadership Program
3/31/23      National School Boards Association
4/1/23        National School Boards Association
4/1/23        Consortium of State School Bd. Assoc's.
4/15/23      Neighborhood Leadership Devel. Program
5/3/23        Highland-Fayette-Clinton Safety Council
5/16/23      Library of Michigan
5/18/23      Bath Township
5/18/23      Utah Municipal Power Agency
5/22/23      Ohio Health Care Association
5/23/23      Winding River Mg. Partner Bootcamp
6/7/23        Florida School Boards Association
6/13/23      Texas Health Care Association
6/14/23      Orrville Safety Council
8/18/23      Coll. of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State Univ.
10/18/23    Ohio Municipal League
11/6/23      Ohio Assisted Living Association

 Attorneys!  Looking for CLE, a Lunchtime Practice/Section Meeting or Client Event Speaker?
 Media Training - It's Time to Stop Putting It Off 
 Our Upcoming Speaking Events
 Mergers, Acquisitions and Management Transitions: Using Crisis Communications Principles to Achieve Better Outcomes 
 See What People are Saying About Hennes Communications
 7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Crisis Communications Firm
 The 6 Essential Rules for Lawyers Dealing with Reporters 
 Searchable Archive of Crisis Management and Crisis Communications Articles from Hennes Communications  

Media Training
Media Training for Attorneys and Their Clients – Done on Your Schedule and at Your Convenience – In-Person or Remote

Whether it’s a staff meeting on Teams, a webinar on Zoom, a private conversation on FaceTime or a short training video you record on WebEx, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it.  And if it’s an interview with a seasoned reporter, the stakes are even higher.  Our battle-tested, veteran media trainers will teach you how to effectively and succinctly deliver clear, concise messages and handle difficult questions. 
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7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Crisis Communications Firm
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications
Almost every PR firm in the world now claims to offer crisis communications services — even if the firm doesn’t truly have experienced professionals on staff to deliver those services.  Here are seven simple questions you must ask before hiring a "crisis comm" firm.
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