February 15, 2022
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A General Counsel Provides Counsel On Crisis Communications
Maria Feeley, chief legal officer for Washington and Lee University, has seen her share of crises, at Washington & Lee as well as Rosemont College, the University of Hartford and Florida A&M, where she’s worked or served on boards. Think about whether you’d like to be faced with any of these: A social media firestorm attracts the attention of Van Jones, Al Sharpton and others and is fodder for MSNBC; A stabbing takes place on campus – on accepted students day; A student dies after a shooting – on homecoming; Title IX and NCAA investigations. Let's see what she has to say.
I’ve Been a Hostage Negotiator for Kidnapped Journalists Like Daniel Pearl. Here’s What I Wish Everyone Knew.
Every single step of a hostage negotiation needs to be calibrated carefully to the group holding the hostage — from finding out who it is, learning whether the hostage is still alive and obtaining proof of life, bypassing all the unsavory middlemen trying to make some money, all the way to negotiating the terms of the release and organizing the requisite logistics. Here's a fascinating and realistic description of what happens when journalists are doing their job and the situation goes awry.
The Best Guide to Spotting Misinformation Online
We all know it's wrong to pass along misinformation. But how do you know, really know, what's real? Was that photo doctored? What's the source of that information? If there's a better guide to spotting misinformation online, we've not yet seen it. Please, read this and if you agree, make sure you pass it along to friends, family and colleagues.
What Scares the World’s Most Daring Olympians
The Winter Olympics are a carnival of danger, a spectacle of speed and slick surfaces, powered mostly by the undefeated force of gravity. Skiers hurtle themselves down mountains faster than cars drive on highways. Sliders ride high-speed sleds down a twisting chute of ice. Ski jumpers soar great distances through the air, and snowboarders and freestyle skiers flip and spin in the sky and hope for a safe landing. The next wipeout always feels moments away. The athletes who perform these daring feats are not crazy. They are not reckless. But they do have one thing in common that might surprise those of us who watch. They are scared. Every one of them.
Corporate and Social and Political Engagement: An Introduction
Should corporations take public stances on social issues? Should they make contributions to political action committees or political parties? Under what circumstances do such actions create issues for corporations and their boards? These questions are timely in an era marked by deep political divisions in the United States. Many major corporations have spoken out on matters of public controversy, and citizens have taken notice.
Do You Have a Few Minutes to Spare?
The Best Super Bowl Commercials of All Time
All of the 2022 Super Bowl Commercials
Local News Reporter’s Resurfaced Deadpan Analysis of February Goes Viral
Who Makes the Fake Languages for Hollywood?
The Best, Worst, And Funniest Corrections From 2021
Akros Network - Specialists in HR Training, Ethics, Safety, Compliance and Communications Form One-Stop Shop
A few months ago, we used this space to tell you that four industry leading firms (including Hennes Communications) specializing in the critical building blocks of successful organizations formed a network giving employers one place to go for answers to high-risk workplace issues including security and safety measures, ethics and fraud reporting, human resources compliance and employment law training, crisis and issues communication. For more information on those service areas, please click on the title link above. One of the four firms, SACS Consulting, is now offering mobile COVID testing for private companies across N.E. Ohio. For more information about this particular service and a detailed FAQ, click here or call Tom Still, SACS COVID Coordinator, at 330-255-1101 x308.
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Attention School Board Members,
Superintendents & Attorneys

The Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) and the Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) have each entered into a strategic partnership with Hennes Communications to provide crisis management and communications services to public school systems throughout the States of Ohio and Arizona facing sudden challenges to their organizations’ reputations and operations. With this partnership, OSBA and ASBA member school leaders have access 365 days a year to expert crisis communications professionals.
No one trains clients for high-stakes situations better than Hennes Communications. We can teach you how to communicate with power, mastering even the toughest interview, speech or presentation.
Call or email us today and ask us about crisis, media, spokesperson and presentation training/coaching for you, your top executives and managers.
Remember, it's usually not what you say, but how you say it. Never again go into a media interview unprepared, before a hostile audience uncoached or into any situation where it's important for you to project executive presence.
As the coronavirus situation begins to abate, we now offer this training in-person on a select basis or via Zoom and other video platforms. Please call 216-321-7774 for details.

Our Upcoming Speaking Events
2/17 Cleveland CDC Leadership
Development Program
2/28 Case Western Reserve University
Law School
3/18 American Bar Association - BLI
4/9 Gov't. Academy Conference/OSU
4/12 Idaho Sheriff's Conference
4/20 Ashland Area Safety Council
5/6 Cleveland State Univ., College of
Urban Affairs, Newly-Elected
Officials Seminar

Thom Fladung, Bruce Hennes & Stephanie York
5/17 Ohio Health Care Association
5/23 Winding River Managing Partner
Boot Camp
6/29 Lake County Bar Association
10/24 Winding River Managing Partner
Boot Camp
The skill set that got you into your current leadership position
isn't the skill set you're going to need when it hits the fan.
It's a simple fact:
Controversies today are tried in the Court of Public Opinion
more often than the Court of Law.
News now breaks first on social media, with traditional media sweeping Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for leads. Whether your organization is immersed in crisis or dealing with a hot-button issue, your news can quickly “go viral.” Since it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and only a few seconds to destroy one, “managing the message” is a necessary skill set for executives, attorneys and public officials in virtually every business sector.
Our fast-paced seminars, delivered by veteran crisis management and communications specialists Bruce Hennes, Thom Fladung and Stephanie York, all focus on highly strategic approaches to communicating during a wide variety of situations, enabling you to serve the needs of your stakeholders, move your message forward or mount a defense against a sudden onslaught from traditional or social media. Many of our seminars also address "non-crisis" situations (e.g. management changes, mergers & acquisitions, program expansions, presenting with executive presence and creating relationships with members of the media).
If you'd like to bring us in to speak at a conference or to your organization, virtually or in-person, as a keynote, for your practice group, for a section luncheon, as a value-add for your existing clients or as a new business development event, please give us a call at 216-321-7774 or drop us a line at info@crisiscommunications.com. For a select list of previous seminar sponsors, click here.
Attorney Seminars
- Crisis Management & Crisis Communications for Attorneys & Their Clients
- Crisis Communications and Social Media for Attorneys & Public Officials
- Winning on Social Media: Crisis Management in an Echo Chamber
- Social Media and the Courts: A New Frontier
- Getting to the Truth: How to Detect Fake News
- Tools, Tips & Tactics - Responding to Sensationalized Journalism
- Projecting Leadership & Executive Presence
Education Seminars
- Crisis Management & Crisis Communications for Education Officials & Their Attorneys
- Crisis Communications and Your School in the Social Media Era
- Crisis Communications For Educators Amid a Pandemic of Crises
- A Public Schools Social Media Primer: Risks, Rewards & Recognizing Fake News
- Projecting Leadership & Executive Presence
Elder Care & Health Care Seminars
- Crisis Management & Crisis Communications for Health Care Executives & Attorneys
- Crisis Communications For Health Care Executives Amid a Pandemic of Crises
- Mergers, Acquisitions & Management Transitions: Using Crisis Communications Principles to Achieve Better Outcomes
- Projecting Leadership & Executive Presence
Our "signature seminar," Crisis Management & Crisis Communications, can easily be crafted to be relevant to the specific needs of your organization or industry. For details, please give us a call at the number above.
NOTE: All of the seminars listed above are typically one-hour long, though some of them lend themselves to a 90-minute or two-hour format. We also offer a 4-hour seminar that includes "extreme" crisis communications, aimed at elected officials, police and fire chiefs, often done in partnership with local emergency management agencies and boards of health.