February 1, 2022
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Should You Apologize for Mistakes?
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications
If you’ve ever attended one of our seminars on crisis communications, we often talk about the power of apology. Real apologies; apologies that are authentic and true; apologies without qualification or the use of “weasel words” (e.g. “mistakes were made”).
Four Lessons from Two Decades of Newsroom Lawyering
The first and most critical objective of newsroom lawyering is not to prevail in lawsuits, but to prevent them from being filed. Once cases are filed, the costs are considerable, in terms of both cash (libel insurance deductibles are skyrocketing) and precious time lost by reporters and editors.
Stupid Questions Pitched at Presidents
Reporters have long since stopped apologizing for lecturing to politicians. The reporter’s question became the sole item of interest; the answer, usually evasive when it wasn’t an outright lie, was incidental. This isn't true 100 percent of the time, but it is true much of the time.
CBS and Elio’s Cleanly Elude Brian Williams and Sarah Palin Incidents
Relying on anonymous sources, CNN's Oliver Darcy reported that CBS approached MSNBC and NBC star Brian Williams with a job offer. Darcy’s reportage focused on the largest part of the story for many, i.e., that the once-disgraced Williams has enough juice now that he can pass twice on what was once, arguably, the most coveted position in TV news. Around the same time, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin and outspoken anti-vaxxer ate dinner in a New York City restaurant in violation of a city ordinance requiring restaurant patrons to show proof of vaccination. Could CBS and the restaurant have handled things better? You betcha !!
ESPN’s Mina Kimes Targeted with Dumb Jock Take
I never bought into the idea that you had to have played a sport to be able to criticize someone who does. While all sports journalists get their fair share of that knock, there’s little doubt that female sports journalists get it way worse than men. That brings me to what happened in the past couple of days involving one of ESPN’s top NFL analysts.
Why Spotify Can’t Afford to Lose Joe Rogan
Recently, Neil Young issued an ultimatum to Spotify: keep Joe Rogan or me. It can’t have both on the service. Young then made good on his word and, along with his record label, removed his music from the service. Young then encouraged other musicians to follow suit. This marks a critical turning point in Spotify’s company narrative. It’s no longer a music company but one committed to podcasting to the point that it’ll compromise relationships with musical artists to ensure its strategy’s success.
How Conspiracy Theories in the U.S. Became More Personal, More Cruel, and More Mainstream After the Sandy Hook Shootings
Conspiracy theories are powerful forces in the U.S. They have damaged public health amid a global pandemic and shaken faith in the democratic process. These conspiracy theories are part of a dangerous misinformation crisis that has been building for years in the U.S. A journalism professor studied the misinformation around the mass shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012. He considers it the first major conspiracy theory of the modern social media age with a direct line to today’s situation.
Akros Network - Specialists in HR Training, Ethics, Safety, Compliance and Communications Form One-Stop Shop
A few months ago, we used this space to tell you that four industry leading firms (including Hennes Communications) specializing in the critical building blocks of successful organizations formed a network giving employers one place to go for answers to high-risk workplace issues including security and safety measures, ethics and fraud reporting, human resources compliance and employment law training, crisis and issues communication. For more information on those service areas, please click on the title link above. One of the four firms, SACS Consulting, is now offering mobile COVID testing for private companies across N.E. Ohio. For more information about this particular service and a detailed FAQ, click here or call Tom Still, SACS COVID Coordinator, at 330-255-1101 x308.
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Attention School Board Members,
Superintendents & Attorneys

The Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) and the Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) have each entered into a strategic partnership with Hennes Communications to provide crisis management and communications services to public school systems throughout the States of Ohio and Arizona facing sudden challenges to their organizations’ reputations and operations. With this partnership, OSBA and ASBA member school leaders have access 365 days a year to expert crisis communications professionals.
No one trains clients for high-stakes situations better than Hennes Communications. We can teach you how to communicate with power, mastering even the toughest interview, speech or presentation.
Call or email us today and ask us about crisis, media, spokesperson and presentation training/coaching for you, your top executives and managers.
Remember, it's usually not what you say, but how you say it. Never again go into a media interview unprepared, before a hostile audience uncoached or into any situation where it's important for you to project executive presence.
As the coronavirus situation begins to abate, we now offer this training in-person on a select basis or via Zoom and other video platforms. Please call 216-321-7774 for details.

Our Upcoming Speaking Events
2/5 Cleveland Neighborhood Leadership
Development Program
2/17 Cleveland CDC Leadership
Development Program
2/28 Case Western Reserve University
Law School
3/18 American Bar Association - BLI

Thom Fladung, Bruce Hennes & Stephanie York
4/9 Gov't. Academy Conference/OSU
4/20 Ashland Area Safety Council
5/17 Ohio Health Care Association
5/23 Winding River Managing Partner
Boot Camp
10/24 Winding River Managing Partner
Boot Camp
The skill set that got you into your current leadership position
isn't the skill set you're going to need when it hits the fan.
It's a simple fact:
Controversies today are tried in the Court of Public Opinion
more often than the Court of Law.
News now breaks first on social media, with traditional media sweeping Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for leads. Whether your organization is immersed in crisis or dealing with a hot-button issue, your news can quickly “go viral.” Since it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and only a few seconds to destroy one, “managing the message” is a necessary skill set for executives, attorneys and public officials in virtually every business sector.
Our fast-paced seminars, delivered by veteran crisis management and communications specialists Bruce Hennes, Thom Fladung and Stephanie York, all focus on highly strategic approaches to communicating during a wide variety of situations, enabling you to serve the needs of your stakeholders, move your message forward or mount a defense against a sudden onslaught from traditional or social media. Many of our seminars also address "non-crisis" situations (e.g. management changes, mergers & acquisitions, program expansions, presenting with executive presence and creating relationships with members of the media).
If you'd like to bring us in to speak at a conference or to your organization, virtually or in-person, as a keynote, for your practice group, for a section luncheon, as a value-add for your existing clients or as a new business development event, please give us a call at 216-321-7774 or drop us a line at info@crisiscommunications.com. For a select list of previous seminar sponsors, click here.
Attorney Seminars
- Crisis Management & Crisis Communications for Attorneys & Their Clients
- Crisis Communications and Social Media for Attorneys & Public Officials
- Winning on Social Media: Crisis Management in an Echo Chamber
- Social Media and the Courts: A New Frontier
- Getting to the Truth: How to Detect Fake News
- Tools, Tips & Tactics - Responding to Sensationalized Journalism
- Projecting Leadership & Executive Presence
Education Seminars
- Crisis Management & Crisis Communications for Education Officials & Their Attorneys
- Crisis Communications and Your School in the Social Media Era
- Crisis Communications For Educators Amid a Pandemic of Crises
- A Public Schools Social Media Primer: Risks, Rewards & Recognizing Fake News
- Projecting Leadership & Executive Presence
Elder Care & Health Care Seminars
- Crisis Management & Crisis Communications for Health Care Executives & Attorneys
- Crisis Communications For Health Care Executives Amid a Pandemic of Crises
- Mergers, Acquisitions & Management Transitions: Using Crisis Communications Principles to Achieve Better Outcomes
- Projecting Leadership & Executive Presence
Our "signature seminar," Crisis Management & Crisis Communications, can easily be crafted to be relevant to the specific needs of your organization or industry. For details, please give us a call at the number above.
NOTE: All of the seminars listed above are typically one-hour long, though some of them lend themselves to a 90-minute or two-hour format. We also offer a 4-hour seminar that includes "extreme" crisis communications, aimed at elected officials, police and fire chiefs, often done in partnership with local emergency management agencies and boards of health.