November 1, 2020
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Personal Crisis: You Lose Your Job. A Media Training Technique Can Help You Get a New Gig
By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications
Let’s step away from talking about crises your company may face and talk about a personal crisis that millions of us face – the threat of job loss. Most of us don’t have any control over the situation – but we DO control how we talk about ourselves in a job interview. I’ve media trained thousands of people and written extensively about prepping for news interviews. When people in my family started losing their jobs this year, I had a revelation – the control tool I teach in media training could help them prep for a job interview. And it could help you, too.
A Well-Crafted Crisis Response Plan Could Save Your Business
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications
Written, tested and ready-to-go business continuity plans should just be part of doing business in today’s world. Typically, those plans include the step-by-step operational response procedures to follow in the event of a disaster. Here are some common mistakes we’ve seen in this effort.
Practical Tips for Social Media Crises
Don’t miss this virtual session at the Ohio School Boards Association’s (OSBA) 2020 Capital Conference and Trade Show on Sunday, November 8, at 3:30 p.m. Learn best practices for effective crisis management on social media, including applying the fundamentals of effective crisis communications; using social media before the crisis; threat assessment and response; leveraging social media to your advantage; and specific action steps to help protect your reputation.
You Have a Crisis Communications Plan. Now It’s Time to Test It with a Tabletop Drill.
By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications
Does your company or organization have a crisis communications plan? If so, have you ever actually used that plan? If not, it’s time to test that plan with a tabletop drill. An exercise like this is the best way to find out if there are gaps in the plan. Road-testing your crisis plan in advance will help ensure it actually works and that everyone responsible for managing a crisis event knows what to do.
The Intersection of Media & the Law
The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, Hennes Communications and the Cleveland Jewish News are proud to present The Intersection of Media & the Law. This all-new, 11-part series will take a deeper look at some of the many ways in which law and media interact. Guest speakers include David Yost, Ohio Attorney General; New York Times Supreme Court Reporter Adam Liptak; reporters from Bloomberg, CBS and other news outlets to rarely heard outside the classroom professors from Cleveland’s two law schools. Based on headlines right out of today’s news, these programs are not to be missed! The programs in this series will be live on the Zoom platform. Attorneys and non-attorneys are welcome to attend.
What Should Crisis Leadership Look Like?
Last week, The New Yorker placed an article online about crisis leadership. Prominently quoted in that article was Vice Admiral Peter Neffenger (Ret.), a former head of the Transportation Security Administration. With a distinguished career that includes serving as Deputy National Incident Commander for the 2010 BP Gulf oil spill, he is a recognized expert in national security and crisis leadership, with an MPA from Harvard University. We asked Admiral Neffenger to write an introduction to the New Yorker piece for us and he agreed.
How to Spot (and Fight) Election Misinformation
Disinformation is deliberately created with the intent to cause harm, while misinformation is incorrect information shared by people who believe it to be true.
In 2020, dis- and misinformation about voting are very common online, especially about mail-in and in-person voting. There’s an important pitfall to look out for this election season: misinformation. This kind of stuff shows up in the form of Facebook pages impersonating candidates, sketchy digital campaign ads and fabricated news content designed to deceive. Each and every piece of misinformation can have major consequences.
Situational Awareness - Election Day & Beyond
Situational awareness is the perception of environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their future status. Situational awareness has been recognized as a critical, yet often elusive, foundation for successful decision-making across a broad range of situations, many of which involve the protection of human life and property,
3 Ways to Get Your Point Across While Wearing a Mask – Tips From an Award-Winning Speech Coach
You wear your mask, keep six feet between yourself and others and are committed to safety. But the measures that help minimize your risk of COVID-19 can also have an impact on your interactions with others. Without question, masks have disrupted social interactions. But communication has many components. You can adjust and enhance your communication by focusing on some of the other pieces that aren’t hidden behind a mask.
What You Can Learn About Crisis Communications From Dr. Fauci
Regardless of what side of the political aisle you might sit on, it’s difficult to deny that Dr. Anthony Fauci, known as the nation’s top infectious disease expert, is a proficient spokesperson during a crisis. While Dr. Fauci has had the unenviable task of discussing the pandemic on TV for months, his public appearances have served as a crash course in crisis communications.
Every Day is a Crisis: Health Communications in a Pandemic
During a crisis, audiences aren’t looking so much for someone to blame as they’re looking for someone to take responsibility. They’re also looking for someone to restore a sense of calm through offering reasoned, sensible solutions. As healthcare communications experts and healthcare leaders, what can you do to lead the public through this morass?
Lots of PR Firms Sell Their Crisis Work – Let The Buyer Beware
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications
With no barriers to entry, every public relations firm in the U.S. now appears to offer “crisis communications.” They don’t. At least, all of those who claim to don’t. Crisis work requires a different – and often counterintuitive – skill set from the traditional practice of public relations. It’s also an art form where more often than not we’re helping clients figure out not just what to say, but what to do, which isn’t something learned from a book.
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Attention School Board Members,
Superintendents & Attorneys

The Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) has entered into a strategic partnership with Hennes Communications to provide crisis management and communications services to public school systems throughout the state of Ohio facing sudden challenges to their organizations’ reputations and operations. With this partnership, OSBA member school leaders have access
365 days a year to expert crisis communications professionals.
Not Everything is a Crisis
Most crises are unexpected and sudden - a traffic accident, explosion, fire, chemical leak, social media attack or criminal arrest.
While a crisis usually appears to be sudden, sometimes you should have seen it coming. For example, activists who hate your product, lax enforcement of company policies and procedures, deferred maintenance on heavy equipment, or instability in your leadership ranks.
More often than not, what you're probably facing is an issue, a situation that can and should have been foreseen. For instance, three months from now you know you're going to close a plant, discontinue a product, get a new board chair, acquire a company or announce a rate hike. For another example, click here.
Whether it's a crisis or an issue, carefully crafted communications targeting the appropriate audience at the right time can go a long way toward mitigating the amount of reputational damage you experience and the work you need to do to restore confidence among your stakeholders.
Identifying an issue early gives you the added ability to craft a well-rounded strategic plan that not only identifies what you say, it enables you to carefully consider allies you might enlist, initiatives you might employ to blunt the effectiveness of your adversaries and other tactics designed to protect your market.
Are there threats looming on your horizon you should address now? Let us help you create the communications to help you avoid them from evolving from issues you can manage to crises you can’t avoid.
While we sell "crisis" (hence our website name, ), the professionals at Hennes Communications understand the difference between crises and issues.
And now, we hope you do, too.
No one trains clients for high-stakes situations better than Hennes Communications. We can teach you how to communicate with power, mastering even the toughest interview, speech or presentation.
Call or email us today and ask us about crisis, media, spokesperson and presentation training/coaching for you, your top executives and managers.
Remember, it's usually not what you say, but how you say it. Never again go into a media interview unprepared or go before a hostile audience uncoached.
Of course, due to the coronavirus situation, we now offer this training via Zoom or your preferred video platform.

11/4 Safety Council of Greater Columbus
11/5 Columbiana County Health Dept.
11/8 Ohio School Board Association
11/10 Ohio Municipal League
11/13 Maryland State Bar Association
11/17 Ohio Association of County Boards
11/18 Summit County, Ohio Safety Council
11/18 Ottawa County, Ohio Safety Council
12/1 Wood County, Ohio Safety Council
12/2 Highland-Fayette-Clinton Safety Cncl.
12/3 Belmont County Safety Council
12/7 Ohio Health Care Association
12/8 Cleveland Metro Bar Association
12/9 Credit & Collection Education Forum
12/10 Event Safety Alliance
12/11 Denver/Colorado State Bar Assoc.
12/11 U.S. Virgin Islands Bar Association
12/14 Akron, Ohio Bar Association
12/17 Cincinnati Bar Association
12/21 NY State Academy of Trial Lawyers
12/28 Ohio State Bar Association
If you'd like to bring us in to speak to your organization, either virtually or in-person, perhaps for your practice group, as a value-add for your existing clients or as a new business development event, please give Bruce Hennes a call at 216-321-7774.
Hennes Communications
You have a situation.
We have a strategy.
Because the Court of Public Opinion is always in session.
The Hennes Communications Team