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Trump and Twitter and Trepidation – Oh My: Some Calming Crisis Management Advice

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Your reputation is at risk on Twitter and the risk may be triggered by the President of the United States of America. Of course you’ve heard that one. You’ve probably seen the tweets and the stories that followed about New Balance  and Nordstrom and Toyota […]

Crisis Communications Expert: Dealing With Your Audience’s Bias – and Your Own

By Hennes Communications Welcome to the Golden Age of confirmation bias. An ancient phenomenon, confirmation bias — the tendency of people to seek out information and points of view they agree with – has references stretching back to Greek historians. As we wrote about a year ago, confirmation bias and its close cousin “the backfire […]

How The ‘Wall’ That Helped Build The Internet Is Showing Some Cracks

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] The internet has democratized communications, allowing for a free flow of information unlike anything we’d ever imagined. The power once exclusive to big publishers and media moguls now is held by individuals, who can reach thousands of readers in an instant. And you can thank Section 230 of the Communications Decency […]

Snapchat, Lies and Photoshop: Is Social Media A Threat to Our Judicial System?

[By Stephanie York, Hennes Communications] Legal cases in the court of law take a long time to develop, file and litigate – years in many instances. Cases often move at an agonizingly slow pace … through written discovery, motions, depositions and court appearances. The Court of Law is intentionally methodical, governed by strict rules, and overseen […]

Cats Sleeping With Dogs: How Lawyers and Crisis Communicators Can Work Together

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] At Hennes Communications, we often tell clients that they have an attorney for the Court of Law. But they have us for the Court of Public Opinion. And those two courts often require different – and at times conflicting – strategies. Attorneys have persuasive arguments for tailoring a strategy completely around […]

Even Hall of Famers Can Fumble Crisis Management

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] Imagine this: You’re running a meeting and you have information that will affect everyone else in that meeting negatively. You decide not to share any of that information during the meeting and prattle on as if nothing is about to change or happen. Except everybody in the conference room finds out […]

Cleveland, Its Police and the Republican National Convention: How Crisis Management Prevented a Crisis

By Thom Fladung Hennes Communications The 2016 Republican National Convention hadn’t yet ended in Cleveland when the questions started from old friends in St. Paul, Minnesota. The first I noticed was a tweet from Rachel Stassen-Berger, the St. Paul Pioneer Press Capitol bureau chief, on the morning of July 21, the RNC’s final day: “Has […]

Crisis Management and Your Reputation in the Supercharged Era of “Confirmation Bias”

[By Howard Fencl and Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications] It’s a nightmare scenario in every organization’s 21st century communications plan: Your reputation is under attack and it’s all playing out on Facebook, Twitter and other sites. Social media trolls light a digital wildfire, igniting a massive, cascading misinformation campaign about your business. Rumors, false accusations and outright […]

Can Chipotle’s Reputation Management Strategy Save the Brand?

From ContentStandard: A string of food contaminations in its restaurants has put Chipotle in a desperate situation. Its sales in the final quarter of 2015 dropped by nearly 15 percent, and its stock is currently below $460 after an all-time high of $758 just a few months earlier. To try and correct its course, the […]

How to Deal with Negative Facebook Comments

From SocialTimes: An unfortunate reality for page administrators on Facebook is the need to deal with negative comments, but deleting those comments or disabling them altogether is a mistake. Social analytics and reporting firm Locowise shared a guide to dealing with negative comments, saying that the positives of leaving comments enabled on Facebook pages still […]

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