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Excellence in Operational Resilience – How to Lead, Follow and Guide the Way

Mike Janko is a good friend and colleague for those of us at Hennes Communications.

Mike is one of the toughest guys we know. He even smiles – sometimes. What we can’t understand is why he isn’t stoop-shouldered, given the responsibilities he carries, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mike works for The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, the 184th largest company on the Fortune 500 list with gross revenues north of $15 billion a year.

Mike is Goodyear’s Director of Global Business Continuity and the company’s global enterprise leader in development and application of resilience-based policies, procedures, protocol and guidance to provide immediate positive strategic business impact.

Over the last 30 years, Mike has effectively managed response and recovery to over 3,000 business continuity events, crises and incidents for Goodyear, as well as Stouffer Hotels and Nestle.

Mike lives and practices “resilience,” which is defined as having the ability to embrace, adapt, maintain, and improve. To be ready for and recover rapidly from setbacks and disruptions. To be “tough”. It is defined in many ways including the overall management of risk. By having an expansive view of resilience, risks are better managed, critical processes are well maintained, and you thrive regardless of expected and unforeseen circumstances. All organizations benefit by having a process in place to manage risk effectively. The ones doing that the best have resilient leaders who know how to balance a variety of challenges.

Mike’s new book, Excellence in Operational Resilience – How to Lead, Follow and Guide the Way offers essential guidance to thrive in a complex environment, showcasing tools to take the leadership role in the process of building resilience in any organization in a timely, effective, and practical way for today’s risks and tomorrow’s challenges.

It’s a good read. It’s an essential read. And you can get your own copy by clicking here.

For more information, click here.

Full Disclosure: We do not make a commission or receive anything at all when you purchase Mike’s book using the link above.

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