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Examining the Body Language of Charisma

From Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D.: Let’s face it, in business dealings, charisma counts. A lot. And charisma is as much about impressions and body language as it is about issues and substance. I’ve seen many qualified people get passed over for promotion (or lose a sale or fail an interview) simply because they couldn’t project an engaging […]

Public Speaking Is the #1 Skill That Will Make You Stand Out. Here Are 4 Simple Ways to Master It.

From Kindra Hall, writing for Public speaking can feel overwhelming and maybe even terrifying, especially if you don’t do it often. Whether it is a simple presentation to just a few co-workers or a huge event to a ton of people and your career depends on it, the first instinct is usually panic. However, because […]

What Women Can & Cannot Control About Their Leadership Presence

By Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D You may have a leadership title, or tremendous leadership potential, but that in itself doesn’t give you leadership presence. These are typical comments I hear when asked to coach an up-and-coming female whose career has stalled: “It isn’t that she couldn’t do the next job. It’s that no one on the […]

Lawyers Who Do Their Own Media Strategy Have a Fool for a Client

From our good friend, Gene Grabowski: A disturbing sidebar to the story about accusations that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein engaged in decades of alleged sexual misconduct features the performance of his former lawyer, Lisa Bloom. Bloom, who resigned after clashing with the Weinstein Company’s board of directors, was recently exposed for presenting to the board […]

Got a Boss Who Denies Reality? A Behavioral Scientist’s Guide to Tactful Truth Telling

From The Conversation: ‘Tis the season for holiday parties at the office. While they’re great for building workplace camaraderie and team spirit, when was the last time a colleague – perhaps fueled by too much alcohol – said something so ridiculous that it made your jaw drop? Perhaps a desk mate went into something political, […]

10 Body Language Myths That Limit Success

From our industry colleague, Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D, writing in CommPro: Body language plays a key role in your career – from your first job interview to the ongoing process of building professional relationships to being perceived as having  leadership presence. But not everything you’ve heard about body language is accurate. Don’t limit your success by buying into […]

You Can’t Fake It When It Comes to Confidence

From Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D.: Think about a time when you needed to project confidence but felt uncertain or insecure. How did you handle it? Did you try to hide these feelings and just “fake it ’til you make it?” If you did, it probably didn’t work. The problem is that attempting to suppress genuine […]

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