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The Stakes are Higher for Women in Charge of Safety

By Rachel Schallom, writing for Poynter: The first time I made a security decision, my stomach was in knots from the moment I said yes to the second I got the text confirming the reporter was home safely. This wasn’t an international story. The reporter took a short car ride to the assignment and would […]

Balancing Fun and Professionalism At The Holiday Office Party

From Carol Kinsey Goman: Are you planning to attend your office holiday party? I hope so. This is a great occasion to relax and have a good time — and can be a highly anticipated, positive antidote to year-end stress. But anytime you combine fun with professionalism, it can also be a challenge. Here are ten tips […]

The Body Language of Collaboration

From Carol Kinsey Goman: Most leaders agree that effective collaboration is more important than ever in today’s turbulent business environment. But the collaboration so critical to organizations is being blocked by internal power struggles, by a lack of unified goals and rewards, by a self-preservation instinct that results in information hoarding — and, perhaps surprisingly, […]

How Companies Should Handle Media Attention Amid Criminal Allegations

From our colleague, Rob Glickman, principal, head of litigation and criminal practice; McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman: When companies become tied to a criminal investigation, whether or not it or its employees have actually committed a crime, it can be on trial in both the criminal court and the court of public opinion. Media coverage today […]

How to Pull Off a Professional Video Call From Home

By Kevin Purdy, writing for The Wirecutter: Like parsley in your teeth or a hole in your pants, a bad video-call setup is something you’ll hear about only from people who care about you. But even if you have the best webcam, there’s a good chance that your lighting, your backdrop, your connection, or even your […]

A Well-Crafted Crisis Response Plan Could Save Your Business

By Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications Written, tested and ready-to-go business continuity plans should just be part of doing business in today’s world. Typically, those plans include the step-by-step operational response procedures to follow in the event of a disaster. Here are some common mistakes we’ve seen in this effort: 1.  Not planning for enough […]

Crisis Management Hot Seat: The Ambush Interview (and How to Survive it)

By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications:   There are a few surefire ways to ensure you, as a representative of your organization, can get on TV: Run as fast as you can from a reporter and videographer Grab the videographer’s camera lens and wrestle with it Jump in your car and floor it Slam your front […]

The Art of Eye Contact

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it over and over and over again:  eye contact is of paramount importance.  Here’s what Inc. Magazine had to say on the subject: As a communication specialist, I can tell you how to craft compelling presentations, share powerful stories, and build brand messages. All that work is worthless if […]

Are Women Leaders More Calm In A Crisis? 6 Tips On Keeping Cool

From Michelle Weldon, writing in Take the Lead: Gender may or not play a role in how a leader handles a crisis, but as a women leader, you can decide how you will behave. And it is likely you will have a crisis on your hands eventually. “A disaster is a moment of truth for […]

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