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The Exercise of Leadership as COVID-19 Rages – A Seminar for Attorneys

The Exercise of Leadership as COVID-19 Rages  The legal profession attracts a large number of individuals with the ambition and analytic capabilities to be leaders, but frequently fails to develop other qualities that are essential to effectiveness.   – Deborah Rhode, Lawyers as Leaders  Lawyers are in the anomalous position of serving as leaders but generally […]

Maintaining Role and Boundary Awareness When Teaching Remotely in a Time of Crisis: Being Alert to the Challenges of One-on-One Electronic Communications

From our good friend and colleague, David Wolowitz. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, most schools have instituted remote learning.  We are fortunate that so many schools and families have access to the technology to make this possible.  Not surprisingly, the sudden and unexpected shift to remote learning comes with many challenges.  One particular […]

Now is the Time – Media Training for Attorneys & Their Clients

Whether it’s a staff meeting on Teams, a webinar on Zoom, a private conversation on FaceTime or a short training video you record on WebEx, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it.  And if it’s an interview with a seasoned reporter, the stakes are even higher.  You must be prepared to answer […]

What Can You Do to Help Your Employees Through this Crisis?

By Bruce Hennes & Stephanie York, Hennes Communications We’ve all been inundated by the media with COVID-19 information, but what can you do to help your employees get through this crisis? The best thing you can do to prepare your team for whatever is about to come is to communicate, communicate and then communicate some […]

Tips for Better Video Calls

By Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications Two inarguable truisms: It’s not just what you say, but how you say it.  And a picture is worth a thousand words. We’re all spending more time than ever online, in “virtual” environments.  So whether you’re using Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, WebEx, Microsoft Teams or any of the other […]

By | March 29, 2020 | Media Training, Training

Why Should a Local School System (K-12) Reach Out To a Crisis Communications Firm?

By Stephanie York, JD, Vice President, Hennes Communications Q: Why should a local school system (K-12) reach out to a crisis communications firm? A:  Quick – What’s the single highest priority for a public, private, independent or parochial school?  It’s not education.  It’s safety.  And just one part of that safety net is making sure the […]

FEMA & Emergency Management Partner Organizations Release “PrepTalk” on Lessons for Emergency Managers

PrepTalks are given by subject-matter experts and thought leaders to spread new ideas, spark conversation, and promote innovative leadership for the issues confronting emergency managers over the next 20 years. Each PrepTalk includes a video, discussion slides and resources. Today’s PrepTalk is Left in the Dark: Power Outages in an Interconnected World featuring Kate Konschnik, […]

Lots of PR Firms Sell Their Crisis Work – Let The Buyer Beware

By Bruce Hennes/Hennes Communications With no barriers to entry, every public relations firm in the U.S. now appears to offer “crisis communications.” They don’t. At least, all of those who claim to don’t. Crisis work requires a different – and often counterintuitive – skill set from the traditional practice of public relations.  It’s also an art […]

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Getting Your Email Read

By Howard Fencl/Hennes Communications In a crisis, wading through my Outlook inbox looking for important new information a client must communicate is a monumental challenge when that new nugget is buried in an impossibly long email chain, and the subject line is something like: “RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Your email.” We evangelize the use of messages in media […]

New to Crisis Management? Here’s a Quick Primer.

From Gail Baker, writing in Higher Education Today, a quick primer in crisis management, suitable for any organization, company or government agency. The day starts like any other. Need to handle a complicated personnel issue, post an enrollment update, and answer budget questions. As you prepare to leave for a meeting, there’s a call from […]

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