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More About How Cleveland Handled a Major National Convention

[By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications] Cleveland was certainly in the national spotlight last week when the Republican National Convention was held on the shore of Lake Erie.  Tensions were high when the convention commenced on Monday, July 18, especially because of the shootings of the police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana just a few days […]

Cleveland, Its Police and the Republican National Convention: How Crisis Management Prevented a Crisis

By Thom Fladung Hennes Communications The 2016 Republican National Convention hadn’t yet ended in Cleveland when the questions started from old friends in St. Paul, Minnesota. The first I noticed was a tweet from Rachel Stassen-Berger, the St. Paul Pioneer Press Capitol bureau chief, on the morning of July 21, the RNC’s final day: “Has […]

The Dividend of Crisis (Yes, There Is One)

[By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications] If you want a recent wonderful example of an organization doing well by doing good, you need look no further than West Virginia’s Greenbrier Resort, which was at the epicenter of that state’s recent historic flooding. West Virginia was declared a federal disaster area after torrential rains swept through the […]

The Social Media Uproar Over Harambe’s Death

Cameron Knight figured Saturday would be a good day to catch up on some weekend work. Barring any breaking news, he planned to finish a Memorial Day story and a piece on the anniversary of the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire. As the breaking news reporter at The Cincinnati Enquirer worked, he listened to the […]

3 Lessons From General Mills During a Product Recall

A brand’s worst nightmare: product recall. For brands in the food industry, customers’ health and safety are on the line and any recall situation can turn bad. Every brand should treat a recall situation as a crisis – even if nothing bad has happened yet. Taking the right steps in a recall situation can help protect your […]

Serious About Crisis Management? Get Serious About Social Media!

[by Howard Fencl] Here’s another wake-up call – in dollars and cents – for the many Pleistocene-era Luddites in organizations who treat social media as a newfangled afterthought in crisis management: U.S. ad spending on internet platforms will exceed ad buys on broadcast for the first time in 2017, according to a recent PwC report. […]

Veteran Akron Communications Professional Stephanie York Joins Hennes Communications

CRISIS MANAGEMENT FIRM LAUNCHING SATELLITE OFFICE IN AKRON CLEVELAND – Stephanie York, a communications professional with extensive experience and deep ties in the Akron area, is joining Hennes Communications as vice president. The firm, which specializes in crisis management and communications, is expanding its team and opening an office in Akron. York brings to that […]

McDonald’s and ‘The Founder’: What to Do When Your Brand’s in an Unsought Spotlight

From PRNews Online: “The Founder,” set to open in the U.S. on Aug. 5, is the latest in a string of movies to examine an American corporate institution and the visionary figure behind it. Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs were given the Hollywood treatment (twice for the latter); now it’s Ray Kroc’s turn, the man […]

6 Tactics For Leveraging Your Employees During a Social Media Crisis

From GaggleAmp: Every company of any size inevitably encounters a crisis situation at some point. Today, with numerous social media platforms, a crisis can quickly become very public and spread far and wide – well beyond your local city or even state.  But, the same social media platforms that can help spread a negative story […]

Crisis Communications Lessons From the Campaign Trail

From our colleague, Caitlin Rourk: The 2016 presidential election has been nothing short of a spectacle, turning traditional political conventions (no pun intended) squarely on their head. And just as this election has forced the political establishment to alter its strategies, business organizations must reevaluate how to approach the unpredictable and unforgiving crises they face […]

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