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Not On My Facebook Page: How Smart Companies Deal with Dumb Online Trolls

By Thom Fladung/Hennes Communications The reaction is typical. Watch what happens when a business, organization or news outlet removes a user’s post from a Facebook page, website or comment string. “Censorship!” “You’re violating my free speech rights!” “You’re trashing the First Amendment!” Well, no. None of that has happened. The laws around social media use […]

Social Media Outpaces Print Newspapers in the U.S. as a News Source

From the Pew Research Center: Social media sites have surpassed print newspapers as a news source for Americans: One-in-five U.S. adults say they often get news via social media, slightly higher than the share who often do so from print newspapers (16%) for the first time since Pew Research Center began asking these questions. In […]

Disbarment for Anonymous On-Line Posts Should “Send a Message,” Says LA Supreme Court

From our friend and colleague, Karen Rubin, attorney at Thompson Hine in Cleveland, Ohio: Do we need another reminder about the perils of posting internet comments on cases and matters we are connected with?  Apparently we do, and here’s a strong one.  Earlier this month, an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana was […]

How Free Is Free Speech On Social Media? The Courts Are Weighing In

By Thom Fladung/Hennes Communications The wild west of social media just keeps getting wilder, doesn’t it? Consider these court rulings, from the past few months: In Virginia, a federal appeals court ruled that an elected official violated the First Amendment by temporarily blocking a constituent on Facebook, the Washington Post reported. In Northeast Ohio, a […]

Resolved for 2019: Overhaul Your Crisis Communication Plan So It’s “Social First”

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] This may be a shocker, but you knew it was coming: More Americans now get news from social media than from print. I’ll say that again: More Americans now get their news from social media than from newspapers. That’s according to a new report out by the Pew Research Center. […]

A Playbook for CEOs Attacked by Trump: Thrust, Parry, Ignore

From Kevin Miller, writing for Bloomberg: (Bloomberg) — Bosses of the world’s largest corporations are still learning to deal with one modern peril: when President Donald Trump shows he’s not afraid to call them out on Twitter. General Motors Corp. is the latest example. Even though Chief Executive Officer Mary Barra reached out to to […]

How Companies Should Handle Media Attention Amid Criminal Allegations

From our colleague, Rob Glickman, principal, head of litigation and criminal practice; McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman: When companies become tied to a criminal investigation, whether or not it or its employees have actually committed a crime, it can be on trial in both the criminal court and the court of public opinion. Media coverage today […]

Damage Control: Recovering Your Firm’s Reputation After a Breach

From Kathy O’Brien, writing in the National Law Review: You can regain trust after a cyber breach. Here’s how. In March 2016, the FBI warned that hackers were targeting large international law firms to steal confidential client information and use it for insider trading, corporate espionage and other criminal purposes. Are law firms any more secure now? […]

A Well-Crafted Crisis Response Plan Could Save Your Business

By Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications Written, tested and ready-to-go business continuity plans should just be part of doing business in today’s world. Typically, those plans include the step-by-step operational response procedures to follow in the event of a disaster. Here are some common mistakes we’ve seen in this effort: 1.  Not planning for enough […]

The Hashtag That Became a Movement Marks its First Anniversary

From Nora Jacobs at Hennes Communications:   After this week’s events, if there is a place in America where the issue of sexual misconduct is not top-of-mind, it is a place without access to the internet, television and newspapers. Although the phrase “Me Too” dates back to 2006, it wasn’t until October 2017, when it […]

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