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Who Should Take the Lead in a Crisis?

With no barriers to entry, every public relations firm in the U.S. – and many around the world – now appear to offer “crisis communications.” They don’t. At least, all of those who claim to don’t. Crisis work requires a different – and often counterintuitive – skill set from the traditional practice of public relations.  […]

Why Should a Government Agency Reach Out To a Crisis Communications Firm?

By Stephanie York, JD, Hennes Communications Any government agency should prioritize communicating truthfully, transparently, quickly and effectively, using traditional media, social media, the agency’s website and any other methods available. A serious issue or crisis ups the ante on communications. That’s when stakeholders most need correct and timely information.  That’s also when damaging misinformation and […]

Why Should a Local School District or Independent/Parochial School Reach Out To a Crisis Communications Firm?

By Stephanie York, JD, Hennes Communications Q: Why should a local school district, an independent or parochial school reach out to a crisis communications firm? A:  Quick – What’s the single highest priority for a superintendent, head or board president?  It’s not education.  It’s safety.  And just one part of that safety net is making […]

Crisis Communication: 5 Steps for Damage Control

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Attorney Andy Phillips, like many folks, looks back a bit wistfully at the “good old days.” “I wish it was back in the day where I could go home at 6 o’clock and sit down with the paper for a half hour,” says Phillips, whose practice at von Briesen & […]

7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Crisis Communications Firm

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications This article first appeared in the National Law Journal   Crisis communications is a sub-specialty of the public relations profession that is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation.  Crisis communications is aimed at raising awareness of a specific type of threat, the magnitude, […]

7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Crisis Communications Firm

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Crisis communications is a sub-specialty of the public relations profession that is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation.  Crisis communications is aimed at raising awareness of a specific type of threat, the magnitude, outcomes, and specific behaviors to adopt to reduce the threat. […]

Attention: School Board Presidents, Superintendents & Education Attorneys

We are pleased to announce that Hennes Communications is now providing crisis management and crisis communications services to the Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA), giving their members access to our team 24/7/365.  Those services include pre-crisis planning, 24/7 crisis response, crisis/media training, litigation communications support, communications audits and tabletop drills. As has already been announced, […]

Hey ! Wait a Minute !

The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association has a new video series titled Hey ! Wait a Minute !, allowing their members to talk for just 60 seconds on topics of interest. Here, Bruce Hennes uses his minute to talk about “The Court of Public Opinion.” For the short video, click here. In our last issue, Bruce […]

Lawyers & Outrage Management – Why Do Attorneys Usually Dislike Outrage Management? 

Regular readers of this newsletter know that one of our favorite writers and consultants is Dr. Peter M. Sandman. Creator of the “Risk = Hazard + Outrage” formula for risk communication, Peter Sandman is one of the preeminent risk communication speakers and consultants in the United States today, and has also worked extensively in Europe, […]

“I’m Afraid to Open Twitter”: Next-Level Harassment of Female Journalists is Putting News Outlets to the Test

By Charlotte Klein, writing for Vanity Fair… It started late one day, and you could see it kind of building on social media,” Washington Post national editor Steven Ginsberg recalled of the torrent of online abuse directed last month at Seung Min Kim. The Post reporter had been photographed showing Senator Lisa Murkowski a critical tweet sent by Neera Tanden and seeking comment, a standard journalistic practice somehow interpreted as […]

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