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Tips for Communicating Internally and Externally in a Divided Country

From Nicole Schuman and Seth Arenstein writing for PR News: There’s no question that the country is divided. That was so before the Nov. 2020 elections. Perhaps more so now. Last weekend (Jan. 9-10) pollster Frank Luntz surveyed 800 people who voted for the president in November. His findings illustrate the country’s political divisions. Most, if not […]

Building Trust in a Time of Turbulence

Our country is still working to make sense of the events in Washington DC on January 6th and many organizations are wondering how to maintain business-as-usual in a world already buffeted by almost a year of Covid-related disruption and tragedy.  This piece by Weber Shandwick, a global communications firm we know and respect, not only […]

National Law Review “Go To Thought Leader” Award Honoring Excellence in Legal Thought Leadership Goes to Hennes

Bruce Hennes Receives National Law Review Award Bruce Hennes, chief executive officer of Hennes Communications and a nationally known expert in crisis communications, reputation management and media engagement in crisis situations, has been named by the National Law Review as one of 2020’s “Go-To Thought Leaders” for columns he has contributed to the publication’s website, […]

The Pandemic Tunnel – Guidance for Education Officials

What to Say to Students, Employees, Students, Parents, Taxpayers, Colleagues & Other Stakeholders This Winter about COVID-19 and the Vaccine By Dr. Peter Sandman (abridgement by Bruce Hennes) Editor’s Note from Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications:  Given mixed, confusing and contradictory messages coming from government officials, public health experts and the media about the pandemic and […]

The Pandemic Tunnel – Guidance for Your Stakeholders

What to Say to Employees, Customers & Colleagues This Winter about COVID-19 and the Vaccine By Dr. Peter Sandman (abridgement by Bruce Hennes) Editor’s Note from Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications:  Given mixed, confusing and contradictory messages coming from government officials, public health experts and the media about the pandemic and the vaccines coming on line, […]

Guiding Your Stakeholders Through the Pandemic Tunnel

What to Say to Law Firm Partners and Employees This Winter about COVID-19 and the Vaccine By Dr. Peter Sandman (abridgement by Bruce Hennes) Editor’s Note from Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications:  Given mixed, confusing and contradictory messages coming from government officials, public health experts and the media about the pandemic and the vaccines coming […]

Will You Require Employees to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine?

Right now, nursing homes, schools, companies, nonprofits and government agencies are considering whether to encourage employee COVID-19 vaccination – or whether to mandate employee vaccination. Ultimately, that decision should be made in consultation with your attorney, medical professionals and H.R. people. As you consider all of the variables (e.g., who gets vaccinated, privacy issues, collective […]

Come What May, All Bad Fortune Is to be Conquered by Endurance.

By Guest Columnist Annie Searle Annie Searle is an internationally known expert in operational risk management, with extensive experience in the financial, IT and business sectors.  Once a month, she publishes her own newsletter. Given events of the past year, we thought the piece she wrote for her own newsletter did a nice job of […]

Crisis Management Lessons Learned From the 2020 Political Scene That Can Apply To Any Organization

Arthur Solomon, a former journalist, was a senior VP/senior counselor at Burson-Marsteller.  In the past, we’ve found him to be an astute observer of the scene.  Here, he offers advice aimed at public relations firms, but also applicable to any professional service firm, nonprofit, government agency or company.  Of course, Art’s opinions, written for CommPro, […]

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Editor’s Note from Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications: Given mixed, confusing and contradictory messages coming from government officials, public health experts and the media about the pandemic and the vaccine, we felt it necessary to provide our clients with guidance for what to say to their employees and other stakeholders.  To that end, we asked […]

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