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Responding When a Third Party’s Crisis Impacts Your Org

By Andrew Moyer for PRNews [Editor’s Note: With negotiations between UPS and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters still ongoing and the looming potential for the former to strike, businesses large and small must be prepared for disruption. Here, our author identifies the impact a third-party partner can have on an organization and how businesses should efficiently and accurately communicate […]

How To Shine At Brainstorming Sessions

By Arthur Solomon for PRNews Public relations brainstorming sessions, or creative meetings, can be the equivalent of a double-edged sword for those attending. On the one hand, account execs who attend the session will get the opportunity to show their creativity, if they are truly creative. The flip side is that those who can’t come up […]

Hall of Fame Tips for Presidential Candidates

By Merrie Spaeth for the Wall Street Journal When the National Football League inducted a new class of Hall of Famers on Aug. 5, one thing was conspicuously missing: bad speeches. For years the ceremony had been known for them. Winners droned on with a laundry list of thank-yous, reminiscing with obscure anecdotes and humorless […]

Guarding Your Reputation In The Age Of Public Knowledge

By Robert L. Dilenschneider, for Advisor Magazine In our hyper-connected world, the shadows of our past actions can loom large. Whether you had a much-regretted moment of infidelity or were arrested for (or worse, charged with) a crime many years ago, trust us: the internet knows. Heck, even that speeding ticket you got as a […]

Talking About a Difficult Decision — When You Can’t Share All the Details

By David Lancefield for Harvard Business Review Picture this scenario: You’re planning to make some organizational changes that will result in layoffs. Perhaps market conditions are difficult, or you’re integrating a company you acquired. You haven’t figured out all the details about numbers, timing, and terms, so it’s too early to share the full picture […]

Want to Survive Your Next Crisis? Have a Plan

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Only 49% of U.S. businesses report they have a formal crisis communications plan, according to Capterra’s Crisis Communications Survey, conducted in January 2023 with 243 U.S. business executives, all of whom held leadership positions of director or above. Another 28% said they have an informal or undocumented crisis communications plan […]

Incident Management – The Whataburger Way

By Ron Derrick for Domestic Preparedness A community’s level of resilience during a disaster often relies on the preparedness efforts of its private sector partners. Companies that invest in preparing for and responding to large-scale events are protecting much more than just company profits. For example, the thought and design that went into one hamburger […]

A Lawyer, C.I.A. Analyst and a Crisis Management Specialist Walk Into a Bar…

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Before James Comey headed up the F.B.I., he served as general counsel of Lockheed Martin Corporation. While at Lockheed, he spoke at the National Security Agency about how studying law is similar to the education intelligence analysts receive. “You read a case and decipher…relevant facts, the [outcome] of the case…you are drilled […]

How to Avoid a Knee-Jerk Crisis Response

By Sherri Kolade for Ragan Consumers across the board are not shy about letting brands know where they mucked up – and communicators, for the most part, are interested in responding to crises as they come as well. According to the 2nd Annual HarrisX & Ragan CEO/Communicators Perceptions Survey, published last October, about three in five […]

Hennes Communications CEO Appointed to Scripps College of Communications at Ohio University Faculty

Hennes Communications, one of the few firms in N. America focused exclusively on crisis communications, proudly announces the appointment of Bruce Hennes as Research Assistant Professor at the Scripps College of Communication at Ohio University. Bruce Hennes, CEO of Hennes Communications, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his new position. Recognized as one […]

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