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Goodell Super Bowl Pre-Game Interview Showcases PR Fundamentals

Nicole Schuman at PRNews writes: From a PR standpoint, highlights of CBS’s Super Bowl pregame show didn’t come from Miley Cyrus’s concert for essential workers or the moving piece celebrating the 30th anniversary of Whitney Houston’s performance of the national anthem. It came from a simple interview that many viewers may have missed while preparing […]

What’s Next When Your Apology is Not Accepted

From Michael Toebe, writing in SmartBrief: Apology, even a sincere, well-meaning one, is not always accepted. One’s name, credibility and reputation are mud. Forgiveness and trust are not granted. What then? It can prove helpful to go through a detailed, yet simple process to increase the odds of your apology eventually being well-received. Start with […]

When Should You Correct Fake News on Social Media Sites?

by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications The tempo of client calls we field about dealing with social media misinformation continues to increase. Our mantra has always been: Stridently correct factual errors the second you see them  posted. But what if you get wind that a disgruntled former employee or a special interest group is planning to […]

Negative Online Client Reviews: ABA Gives Some Tips for Responding

Preface by Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Last week, writing in Law for Lawyers, a publication of the Thompson Hine law firm, our friend Karen Rubin wrote about how attorneys should deal with negative online reviews.  We’ve taken the liberty of adding this preface to her excellent article: When considering a response to a negative lawyer […]

Political Action Committee & Personal Political Contributions Revisited – Might This Be Only of Passing Interest?

The National Law Review   By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications After publication of our article in the National Law Review on January 16, Political Action Committee & Personal Political Contributions Become the Next Reputational Challenge for Law Firms & Their Clients, we heard from an attorney from a large firm who raised the issue of “staying […]

Tips for Communicating Internally and Externally in a Divided Country

From Nicole Schuman and Seth Arenstein writing for PR News: There’s no question that the country is divided. That was so before the Nov. 2020 elections. Perhaps more so now. Last weekend (Jan. 9-10) pollster Frank Luntz surveyed 800 people who voted for the president in November. His findings illustrate the country’s political divisions. Most, if not […]

National Law Review “Go To Thought Leader” Award Honoring Excellence in Legal Thought Leadership Goes to Hennes

Bruce Hennes Receives National Law Review Award Bruce Hennes, chief executive officer of Hennes Communications and a nationally known expert in crisis communications, reputation management and media engagement in crisis situations, has been named by the National Law Review as one of 2020’s “Go-To Thought Leaders” for columns he has contributed to the publication’s website, […]

Political Action Committee & Personal Political Contributions Become the Next Reputational Challenge for Businesses, Law Firms & Their Clients

By Bruce Hennes & Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications Aesop perhaps said it best: “You are known by the company you keep.” It appears many organizations are learning the true meaning of that phrase in the wake of the Republican vote against certification of the Electoral College results and the January 6 U.S. Capitol riots. In […]

Come What May, All Bad Fortune Is to be Conquered by Endurance.

By Guest Columnist Annie Searle Annie Searle is an internationally known expert in operational risk management, with extensive experience in the financial, IT and business sectors.  Once a month, she publishes her own newsletter. Given events of the past year, we thought the piece she wrote for her own newsletter did a nice job of […]

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