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New York Gov. Cuomo is the Textbook Example of How Not to Apologize

From Lisa Leopold, writing for The Conversation… New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s two apologies for alleged sexual misconduct are straight out of a master class in how not to say you’re sorry. The governor, who had become something of a celebrity during his nationally broadcast press conferences early in the coronavirus pandemic, is now embroiled in a sexual […]

Why Oprah’s Interview with Harry and Meghan Matters

From Tom Jones, writing for Poynter… Why should we care? What’s the big deal? Don’t we have more important things to worry about than some soap opera half a world away? That was the general feeling among many following Sunday night’s Oprah Winfrey interview with Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex. Millions of […]

Is Fighting Fake Videos Mission Impossible? No, But Tom Cruise Fakes Show Online Threats Rising

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Deepfake videos have been making news and shaking up people who worry about truth and fact for several years now. The recent release of Tom Cruise deepfakes on Tik Tok shows the technology has reached a new, disquieting level of realism. Chris Ume, the visual effects artist behind the Cruise […]

Slow Down and Write Better Emails

By Erica Dahawan, writing for the Harvard Business Review… Misunderstandings are rampant in today’s workplaces. While poor communication habits may feel inevitable with colleagues, we should always strive to engage with clarity and empathy, especially as we come to rely more on remote work and digital communication. What is a good first step to improving […]

A Peek Inside a Crisis War Room From Chicago Navy Pier’s Top Communicator

By Sophie Maerowitz, writing for PRNews… In this installment, we hear from Payal Patel, communications director at Chicago Navy Pier, who shares her approach to a crisis war room, as well as her take on PR’s role in the tourism industry’s recovery.  PRN: What is your role at Navy Pier in Chicago? What are some […]

Texas Storm Communications Show Stark Messaging Contrasts

By Nicole Schuman, writing for PRNews… On top of a global pandemic and unprecedented economic downturn, Texans also had to deal with the fury of Mother Nature over the past week, when an unlikely winter storm wreaked havoc on one of the nation’s largest states. In an area not exactly used to dealing with snow, […]

Tone-Deaf or Bad Timing? Lady Gaga’s Reputation Management Nightmare

by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications “Help! I’ve been shot! I’m bleeding out of my chest!” Wednesday night on Sunset Boulevard. A man walking three French bulldogs is jumped by two creeps demanding he hand over the pricey animals. He refuses. One of the assailants blasts him in the chest with a semi-automatic weapon. Two of […]

Monumental Crisis Management FAIL: Ted Cruz’s Mexican Vacation

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications As is now clear to the entire country, Senator Ted Cruz apparently skipped class the day they taught Crisis Management 101.  As his constituents and fellow Texans faced a winter storm that may be the costliest in the state’s history, boiling snow for drinking water and burning furniture to heat […]

KPMG’s Bill Michael Resigns After Telling Staff to ‘Stop Moaning’

Recently, we were asked to comment on the story below.  Our quick analysis:  it’s not like he said something accidental, or something he didn’t mean. His words clearly expressed his beliefs. And those beliefs were not consistent with the values of KPMG – and appropriate action was taken. From Mark Sweney & Joanna Partridge writing in […]

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