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Today’s Lesson for Schools in Crisis: Make Communication Part of the Solution

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications So far in 2022, as of the end of September, Hennes Communications had worked with dozens of schools, school districts and other education organizations. Our work involved serious issues and potential controversies including: Sexual misconduct allegations involving teachers Sexual misconduct allegations involving students Tense labor negotiations Superintendents facing no confidence […]

Difficult Conversations Happening in the Boardroom

Introduction by Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications Over the years, we’ve helped a number of organizations announce management transitions involving their CEO – a change that, even when well-planned – requires carefully crafted communications in order to minimize distractions, concerns and disengagement among stakeholders.  Most often, we work closely with the board chair and board leadership […]

Better Crisis Communications Needed in Health Emergencies

Trust is key for combatting a pandemic or other public health emergency.  Trust is predictive of how people are going to take in information and act on that information.  Trust is incredibly difficult to earn but so easy to lose.  Here, you’ll find a list of guiding principles for crisis communication.       Photo […]

Ten Things You Need to Know As a Woman In-House Lawyer (for Non-Lawyers, Too)

Here’s a list of ten things this writer has observed women lawyers don’t know or do as in-house counsel that their male counterparts seem to do quite well.  It is her belief that, over time, this has resulted in a widening of the gap between them, and, if women in-house counsel focus on these ten […]

On Brett Favre’s Welfare Scandal

By Thom Weidlich for PRCG | Haggerty LLC Talk about a reputational challenge. The heat keeps turning up on ex-NFL quarterback Brett Favre. As part of a larger scandal, he’s alleged to have pressured Mississippi officials to turn over $8 million in welfare funds for his pet projects, including a volleyball stadium at his alma […]

Explainer: What Does ‘Off the Record’ Mean?

Note from Hennes Communications: Certainly, the information below is accurate.  However, we often warn our clients that going ‘off the record’ is fraught with danger.  It is particularly not advised if you don’t have a prior relationship with the reporter or if you don’t have previous experience using this technique.  What you see on TV […]

Waffle House Delivers Masterclass in Crisis Management

By Nicole Schuman for PRNews It takes a pretty big event to close a national institution like Waffle House. Especially when it has its own disaster meter. Coined the “Waffle House Index,” it is not an official metric, yet government agencies such as FEMA use it. Unfortunately, Hurricane Ian challenged the index this week, causing […]

How Gender Stereotypes Kill a Woman’s Self-Confidence

By Dina Gerdeman for Working Knowledge Women make up more than half of the labor force in the United States and earn almost 60 percent of advanced degrees, yet they bring home less pay and fill fewer seats in the C-suite than men, particularly in male-dominated professions like finance and technology. This gender gap is […]

Lawyers, Demigods, Outrage Management & Crisis Communications

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications At Hennes Communications, we often tell clients that they have an attorney for the Court of Law. But they have us for the Court of Public Opinion. And those two courts often require different – and at times conflicting – strategies. Attorneys have persuasive arguments for tailoring a strategy completely around […]

The Evolution of Crisis Communications in Banking

By Kamyar Naficy, Founder and Principal, KNECTCOMMS, for International Banker   Banks are more vulnerable than ever to a wide range of potential crises. These crises are often exacerbated by 24/7 news cycles, volatile social media and unprecedented social, economic and geopolitical disruption. Against this backdrop, banks must shore up their crisis communications efforts if […]

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