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New York Gov. Cuomo is the Textbook Example of How Not to Apologize

From Lisa Leopold, writing for The Conversation… New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s two apologies for alleged sexual misconduct are straight out of a master class in how not to say you’re sorry. The governor, who had become something of a celebrity during his nationally broadcast press conferences early in the coronavirus pandemic, is now embroiled in a sexual […]

Monumental Crisis Management FAIL: Ted Cruz’s Mexican Vacation

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications As is now clear to the entire country, Senator Ted Cruz apparently skipped class the day they taught Crisis Management 101.  As his constituents and fellow Texans faced a winter storm that may be the costliest in the state’s history, boiling snow for drinking water and burning furniture to heat […]

KPMG’s Bill Michael Resigns After Telling Staff to ‘Stop Moaning’

Recently, we were asked to comment on the story below.  Our quick analysis:  it’s not like he said something accidental, or something he didn’t mean. His words clearly expressed his beliefs. And those beliefs were not consistent with the values of KPMG – and appropriate action was taken. From Mark Sweney & Joanna Partridge writing in […]

The Stupidity Defense

From our esteemed colleague, Dr. Peter Sandman: It comes up in my consulting at least once a month. Something bad has happened on my client’s watch, and now the client has to own up to it. The key question (or at least one key question) is why it happened. And the principal contenders for best […]

Negative Online Client Reviews: ABA Gives Some Tips for Responding

Preface by Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Last week, writing in Law for Lawyers, a publication of the Thompson Hine law firm, our friend Karen Rubin wrote about how attorneys should deal with negative online reviews.  We’ve taken the liberty of adding this preface to her excellent article: When considering a response to a negative lawyer […]

National Law Review “Go To Thought Leader” Award Honoring Excellence in Legal Thought Leadership Goes to Hennes

Bruce Hennes Receives National Law Review Award Bruce Hennes, chief executive officer of Hennes Communications and a nationally known expert in crisis communications, reputation management and media engagement in crisis situations, has been named by the National Law Review as one of 2020’s “Go-To Thought Leaders” for columns he has contributed to the publication’s website, […]

Crisis Management Lessons Learned From the 2020 Political Scene That Can Apply To Any Organization

Arthur Solomon, a former journalist, was a senior VP/senior counselor at Burson-Marsteller.  In the past, we’ve found him to be an astute observer of the scene.  Here, he offers advice aimed at public relations firms, but also applicable to any professional service firm, nonprofit, government agency or company.  Of course, Art’s opinions, written for CommPro, […]

Why You Need a Social Media Kill Switch During a Crisis

From Mark Renfree, writing in PR News: Social media is as likely a place as any for a PR crisis to start. In fact, the speed at which things can blow up on social channels make them especially fertile ground for crises. A solid crisis preparation plan will account for more than social media, of […]

On-Line Review Response by Rogue Consultant Leads to Suspension for OK Lawyer

From our good friend, attorney Karen Rubin at Thompson Hine in Cleveland, writing in her blog, “The Law for Lawyers Today”: An Oklahoma lawyer was suspended last month for two years based on misconduct involving an unlawful response to a bad on-line review of the lawyer’s services.  The disciplinary case is a lesson in being […]

Absorb Chaos, Transform It Into Calm and Give Back Hope

From Amy Boone, writing for Ethos3: At times, we are called to give presentations about new products or policies. Other times, we might be asked to inspire or challenge our audience members. But other times, we are called to speak into times of crisis. Maybe a business is losing revenue and the forecasted future is […]

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