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Bill Cosby’s Team Comes Out Swinging Against Accusers

[by Bruce Hennes] Bill Cosby has repeatedly refused to talk about decades-old allegations of sexual misconduct. Meanwhile, his legal team has launched an aggressive, organized and expensive effort to quash accusations by attacking the accusers’ characters and motives, according to The New York Times. Sure, it’s possible that Cosby is not guilty of any of […]

“It Can’t Happen Here”

[by Nora Jacobs] Over the years, we’ve spoken to countless clients about the crisis threats their organizations might face.  Many willingly accept that their business might be struck by an act of God — tornados, floods and fires most often come to mind.  But a surprisingly large number of clients seem to feel immune to […]

Risky Business

[by Bruce Hennes]  According to Reputation Dividend, a company that helps quantify the economic value of reputation for publicly held businesses, few CEOs would argue that their corporate reputation isn’t one of their company’s most precious assets. Giving thought to the difference between ‘brand’ and ‘reputation,’ Sandra Macleod writes, “The value and importance of a […]

Did Ohio State Do the Right Thing by Firing the Director of the Best Damn Band in the Land?

[by Bruce Hennes] Put aside for the moment IF the band director for Ohio State University’s storied marching band should have been fired.  Certainly, one can make the argument that under university policy, the university administration had a strict and legal “duty to act.” And under the Civil Rights Act, provisions in Title IX prohibiting […]

Threatening the Media

[by Howard Fencl, APR] “Let me be clear to you, you ever do that to me again, I’ll throw you off this f–ing balcony… I’ll break you in half. Like a boy.” This is not dialogue from “American Hustle.” Inconceivably, it’s a U.S. Congressman threatening a TV news reporter while cameras rolled. Rep. Michael Grimm, […]

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