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Tackling Scandal: An Interview with Hennes Communications’ Stephanie York

Scandals come in many flavors and are often tinged with sexual misconduct, fiscal mismanagement, and/or nefarious lapses in moral and ethical judgment. American City & County, the voice of state and local government since 1909, interviewed Hennes Communications VP Stephanie York about scandal and how to neutralize it with proactive communications. Here’s an excerpt: York […]

President Trump, the Russian Connection & Crisis Communications

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Some believe  President Trump and his closest advisers committed illegal acts by conspiring with Russian officials on a wide variety of political and financial activities. Some believe President Trump and his closest advisers indeed had contacts with Russian officials, but that those contacts were benign or perhaps even stupid, but […]

Cats Sleeping With Dogs: How Lawyers and Crisis Communicators Can Work Together

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications At Hennes Communications, we often tell clients that they have an attorney for the Court of Law. But they have us for the Court of Public Opinion. And those two courts often require different – and at times conflicting – strategies. Attorneys have persuasive arguments for tailoring a strategy completely […]

Truth Without Credibility is Worthless—Getting Your Truth Believed in a Crisis

From our friend, Diane Citrino: The crisis management mantra of “tell the truth, tell it all, tell it first, and tell it fast” to get ahead of a breaking crisis is wonderful advice, but begs the question, “What is the truth?” As famously sung in Jesus Christ Superstar, “We both have truths; Are mine the […]

How Activists And Populists Now Control Your Corporate Brand — And What You Can Do About It

From our colleague, Richard Levick: “Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.” – Niccolo Machiavelli C-suite executives and board members often ask if their corporation needs a new Facebook strategy or a better way to communicate on Twitter. As pleased as I am that they’re exploring ways to institute change, I […]

The 13 Golden Rules of Crisis Management

Any business, at one point, will face some sort of a public relations crisis and the way you respond can either give you a much-needed image boost or significantly damage your brand, ultimately alienating your customer base and business partners. Especially in this day and age, when news goes viral almost instantly, organizations need to […]

Don’t Get Too Obsessed with Recent Airline Customer Service Incidents – There are Bigger Sharks in the Risk Waters

Chris Britton writes: Target is a great place to shop. I love going there, and I bet many of you do too. But I also find the company fascinating because over the past few years it has provided huge debating points for those of us who make a living managing issues and crises. Until United […]

Preparing For a Company Crisis: Protecting Your Business’ People, Assets & Reputation

A Conversation on Company Crisis Preparedness with former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis, from Boss Magazine —   Every business leader thinks and rethinks their business strategy, weighing the strengths, analyzing the weaknesses, pondering the opportunities and scrutinizing the threats. But when it comes to a company crisis, how many are applying that same due […]

Why ‘Sorry” is Still the Hardest Word

From Michael M. Grynbaum at the New York Times: “I’m sorry.” Two simple words, not so simply said. On Wednesday, the public representatives of two embattled American institutions — United Airlines and the White House — found themselves on national television grappling with a delicate and increasingly common ritual of the corporate and political worlds: […]

Apologies, Non-Apologies, Fauxpologies, Conditional Apologies & Past Exoneratives

By Stan Carey: Writing in 2012 about the nature of apologies, I said that being sorry is about more than just saying the words, “but the words, as an explicit admission of wrongdoing or shortcoming, can be an important part of reconciliation.” With a non-apology the aims and effects are wholly different. The person delivering […]

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