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Lawyers Should Not Rewrite Crisis Communications

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Hennes Communications was founded in 1989 as a full-service public relations firm.  In 2001, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we became one of the few firms in North America focused exclusively on crisis management and crisis communications. Since then, we frequently work with attorneys, who tend to be the “first […]

A Crisis is Coming – Is Your Board on Board?

From our esteemed colleague, attorney David Wolowitz: What makes an independent school succeed or fail when crisis strikes? More often than not, the difference hinges on whether the administration and board work collaboratively. The greater the crisis, the greater the stressors on the relationship between the two. Advance planning is critical. A crisis is no […]

Crisis Management FAIL: Michigan State Paying the Price for Their Systemic Failure to Address the Nassar Sex Abuse Accusations

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications On September 5, the U.S. Department of Education announced it was fining Michigan State University $4.5 million for “a systemic failure to protect students from sexual abuse.” The fine is the latest fallout from the Larry Nassar scandal, which has embroiled MSU in lawsuits, a succession of high-profile firings, resignations […]

Take a Breath: Legal Considerations for Your Communications

From Madelaine C. Lane, writing for the Grand Rapids Business Journal: It’s a story we see play out all too often on the evening news: An organization or one of its employees is hit with a search warrant, subpoena or a civil lawsuit. Before the receptionist, communications director or CEO can turn around, a microphone […]

Cleveland Indians Pitcher Throws Fit, Hits Apology Out of the Park

There were strong rumors he was going to get traded anyhow, but the deal was probably sealed the moment Cleveland Indians pitcher Trevor Bauer threw a ball over the center field wall in an act of frustration. As we’ve often counseled those who’ve committed sins both venal and mortal, apologies must be authentic, honest, heartfelt […]

6 Questions on the Power — and Limits — of Litigation Communications

The majority of work referred to Hennes Communications comes from attorneys, who are often “first responders” when bad things happen to good companies and organizations.  Subsequently, we’re often retained by the attorney or law firm in order to help assist them in preparation for trial.  It’s called “litigation communications” and here’s a great piece on […]

Criminalizing the Boardroom: A Communications Guidebook for Prosecutorial Targets

From our friend and colleague, Richard Levick: It took half a year and dozens of interviews with former prosecutors, defense lawyers, the falsely accused, and those who served time and resulted in two series in Forbes and the Corporate Counsel Business Journal. It is soon to be the source of multiple broadcasts and another comprehensive piece in a board […]

What To Do if There’s a Harvey Weinstein in Your Ranks

From Insurance Business Magazine, with quotes from Thom Fladung, (now) managing partner of Hennes Communications: First there was Harvey Weinstein. We were horrified, but we’d seen things play out like this occasionally before, like with Bill Cosby or Clarence Thomas. But then there was Kevin Spacey. And Jeffrey Tambor, Louis CK, US Senator Al Franken, […]

President Trump, the Russian Connection & Crisis Communications

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Some believe  President Trump and his closest advisers committed illegal acts by conspiring with Russian officials on a wide variety of political and financial activities. Some believe President Trump and his closest advisers indeed had contacts with Russian officials, but that those contacts were benign or perhaps even stupid, but […]

If Your Company Is Going Through a Public Scandal, Should You Leave?

Thanks to our friend and colleague, Linda Bluso, Founder & CEO of the Adaptive Knowledge Institute®, for the lead to this article from the Harvard Business Review: Having your employer get caught in a public scandal is an agonizing professional experience. Even if your company comes out okay financially, it’s likely to have a tarnished reputation. How do […]

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