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This 1 Word Makes Others Think Less of You, and You Probably Say It at Least 8 Times a Day

From Inc.: How many times a day do you use the word “sorry”? Statistics on Americans are hard to find, but the BBC reports British people say it at least eight times a day, and some say it as often as 20 times a day. And informal research supports what many people have observed: Women say “sorry” much more […]

To Make a Great First Impression Do This 1 Small Thing Successful Speed Daters Do

From the Harvard Research and Inc.: Making a great first impression is so much better than having to overcome a bad first impression. But it’s easier said than done. Big first impressions come from small talk done well–something most of us struggle with. We end up defaulting to highly generic and ineffective tropes like “What do you […]

Ohio School Boards Association Selects Hennes Communications to Provide Crisis Management and Communications Services to Ohio’s Public Schools

The Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) has entered into a strategic partnership with Hennes Communications to provide crisis management and communications services to public school systems throughout the state of Ohio facing sudden challenges to their organizations’ reputations and operations. With this partnership, OSBA member school leaders have access 365 days a year to expert […]

Want to Make a Great First Impression? A Princeton Psychologist Says Be Aware of 3 Snap Judgments People Make

We often tell clients that it’s not just what you say, but how you say it.  And first impressions do count. Here’s what Scott Mautz, writing for Inc., had to say on the subject. Impressions make quite an impression on us as we’re so eager to manage them. I’ve written about how to overcome a bad […]

A Discussion of What Women Can and Cannot Control About Their Leadership Presence

From Dr. Carol Kinsey Goman: You may have a leadership title, or tremendous leadership potential, but that in itself doesn’t give you leadership presence. These are typical comments I hear when asked to coach an up-and-coming female whose career has stalled: “It isn’t that she couldn’t do the next job. It’s that no one on the […]

Why We Should All Avoid the Jussie Smollett-Style Rush To Judgment

From our good friend and colleague, Richard Levick: We still don’t know all the facts surrounding Jussie Smollett – so let’s not rush to condemnation with the same fury his supporters rushed to judgment about his “attackers.” As troubled as he may be, he is entitled to due process. The latest evidence presented by the Chicago police, however, points […]

The New Law of Litigation Communications: Your Case Will Now Be Heard – On Facebook

By Thom Fladung, Managing Partner, Hennes Communications The Court of Public Opinion is now in session. In fact, it’s always in session – on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media outlets. The practice of litigation communications or litigation public relations is young, as legal and communications matters go, emerging in the early 1980s, according to […]

Today’s Q&A: “No Comment”

How do you handle the situation where you’re dealing with a client whose attorney doesn’t want to issue a statement other than, “No Comment”? [By Stephanie York, JD, Hennes Communications] As an attorney, I understand the knee-jerk instinct to say “We don’t comment on pending litigation.” When we are faced with attorneys who counsel their […]

How to Say ‘I’m Sorry,’ Whether You’ve Appeared in a Racist Photo, Harassed Women or Just Plain Screwed Up

Written by Lisa Leopold, Associate Professor of English Language Studies, The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Middlebury.   “I’m sorry.” These two words may seem simple, but the ability to express them when you’re in the wrong is anything but – particularly for those in the public eye. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, to […]

School Shooting PR Consultant Apologizes After Calling Critics ‘Crazies’ and Reporter ‘Skanky’

From the Sun Sentinel: crisis public relations consultant created a crisis of her own for the Broward school district, after a video came to light in which she dismissed the district’s critics in the Parkland massacre as “crazies” and called a reporter a “skanky” “jerk” who “smells bad.” Sara Brady, who was paid nearly $75,000 to assist […]

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