By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I earned my stripes in TV producing newscasts and managing newsrooms for the better part of twenty years, and I can now freely admit the following: I loved reporters who came trotting breathlessly back into the newsroom with video of […]
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications If you’ve used Zoom lately, you’ve noticed the fake pools, sunsets and palm trees. We’re all starting to envy the Pottery Barn-like kitchens, living rooms and dining rooms. And don’t you just love those libraries full of books we know none of us have ever read, the coffee shops we […]
By Dana Rubinstein, writing in The New York Times… It is 46 years old, weighs nearly four pounds in paperback and is about as ill-suited for the internet age as they come: The book is not even available for digital readers. And yet, in certain circles, the 1,246-page tome by Robert Caro, has become a […]
From the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance: Every industry across the globe has faced a crisis at some point in time. While most large companies survive, many struggle for years following a period of severe adversity. Others prevail and become stronger than before. How companies address crises has changed over time, as has […]
Rob Biesenbach, in CommPro, writes: Virtual presentations have always been hard. Audiences are restless, distracted and can easily tune out since no one’s watching them. But doing a virtual presentation from home is even harder — both presenters and audiences are dealing with isolation, disruptions and limited technology. So if you want to make a […]
From Dave Poston, writing in the North Carolina Lawyers Weekly: While attorneys have made great strides in recent years expanding remote worker policies and capabilities, as well as having a newfound commitment toward wellness, COVID-19 forced immediate implementation upon the legal industry. Timelines vary, but we could be in this situation for a few months […]
By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications School districts across the county are about to turn the page on an historic chapter in American history. Students spent almost a third of the school year going to class at the kitchen table. Teachers learned to become adept purveyors of distance-learning. Parents quickly became tutors and taskmasters while balancing […]
By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Dr. Amy Acton is Director of the Ohio Department of Health. As such, she stands side-by-side with Ohio’s Governor Mike DeWine for the daily 2:00 briefing on COVID-19. Unlike so many politicians that bob, weave, waffle or try to simply command authority and obedience, Dr. Acton speaks of vulnerability and […]
From The New York Times: Justice is supposed to be blind. But in courtrooms, decorum matters. Judges typically dress in somber black robes. Lawyers, plaintiffs and defendants are encouraged to dress modestly to signify credibility. Does that change when court hearings are moved online to enable social distancing during the spread of the new coronavirus? Absolutely not, according […]
Whether it’s a staff meeting on Teams, a webinar on Zoom, a private conversation on FaceTime or a short training video you record on WebEx, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it. And if it’s an interview with a seasoned reporter, the stakes are even higher. You must be prepared to answer […]