University Teams with Crisis Communications Expert Bruce Hennes in New Offering A new partnership between Ohio University’s Scripps College of Communication and Hennes Communications will allow communication professionals the opportunity to earn one credit hour towards a 12-hour graduate certificate in crisis communication. Anyone attending certain seminars taught by Hennes Communications, a crisis communications firm based in Cleveland, […]
By Seth Arenstein for PRNEWS As PR pros know well, communicating isn’t difficult, until it is. Even the media-trained make mistakes, say things they regret, forget a key talking point, let a journalist’s question, or something else, distract them. Press conferences sometimes are especially difficult. Communicators urge executives that ignoring everything but the questioner is the best […]
By Arthur Solomon for PRNEWS Books about mishandling PR crises often include sagas about Boeing, Wells Fargo, Volkswagen, the tobacco industry and BP. An accompanying chapter should include how sports mishandles PR crises. The National Football League (concussion denial, players and owners involved in abusive behavior with little punishment) should get the longest segment. It has had enough crises to enlarge the […]
By Severin Carrell and Jim Waterson for The Guardian The BBC has prepared secret scripts that could be read on air if energy shortages cause blackouts or the loss of gas supplies this winter. The scripts, seen by the Guardian, set out how the corporation would reassure the public in the event that a “major loss of […]
By Nicole Schuman for PRNews A recent survey conducted by Propel, a PR management platform, revealed positive news for media relations pros. The Q4 2022 Propel Media Barometer found journalists are responding to pitches more often. Zach Cutler, Propel co-founder, CEO & chairman, and former PR agency owner, believes this uptick stems from changing PR strategies. “We’ve […]
By Jonah Bryson for PRNews The 24-hour news cycle drowns countless stories that deserve attention. Stories cannot land press coverage without a tasty soundbite, as Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson describes them. Hence it is paramount to design, deliver and circulate soundbites strategically. Here are two that have stood the test of time: “The only thing we have to […]
Note from Hennes Communications: Certainly, the information below is accurate. However, we often warn our clients that going ‘off the record’ is fraught with danger. It is particularly not advised if you don’t have a prior relationship with the reporter or if you don’t have previous experience using this technique. What you see on TV […]
By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications Quick! A controversial issue is about to blow up your company’s reputation. There’s heated chatter among Twitter trolls. Reporters are poking around in your email box and voicemail. There’s trash talk building in conversations among your customers, vendors and suppliers out in the real world. How should you respond? Issue […]
By Angela Fu for Poynter On Sept. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in London, the royal family announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died. Less than two hours later, the Guardian published a 7,000-word obituary. That obituary was 10 years in the making. “The Guardian — I suspect like other newspapers as the queen grew pretty […]
We often counsel clients who have been wrongly accused to tell their side and do everything possible to get ahead of the story. But sometimes, there aren’t any good choices, especially if the client’s most prized possession is his or her integrity. While we can’t vouch for this man’s integrity, we thought this story was […]