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A PR Pro’s Guide To Requesting Corrections from Journalists

By Steve Smith for PRWeek Early in my career, one of my most dreaded assignments — aside from telephone call-downs — was requesting a correction from a journalist on a story that I secured for a client. For many PR pros, this is an intimidating ask of a journalist’s time. Many PR pros would probably […]

Understanding the Margin of Error

By Denise-Marie Ordway for The Journalist’s Resource Journalists often make mistakes when reporting on data such as opinion poll results, federal jobs reports and census surveys because they don’t quite understand — or they ignore — the data’s margin of error. Data collected from a sample of the population will never perfectly represent the population […]

The Case for Longer Pitches

By Arthur Solomon for PRNews During my long career in public relations, I’ve always ignored many of the basic tenets of PR that are taught in communications schools, written in books and practiced at agencies. Many of these traditional methods can hamper, not help, PR employees from receiving positive results. I came to that conclusion […]

Lessons From a School on Handling a Social Media Crisis

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Whether in-person or virtual, the kids are still in school.  For the moment, however, this will be a class for the adults – and class is now in session on how to handle a social media crisis. On a Labor Day Sunday some time ago, the leadership team at a school that […]

The Role of School Boards and Superintendents in Crisis Management

Introduction by Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Ensuring the safety of students is a collective responsibility, with school board members and superintendents playing a crucial role. In today’s world, where school safety is increasingly at stake, it is imperative that these leaders receive adequate crisis management training and share lessons learned to effectively address the challenges […]

Hennes Communications Listed Among Top Advisors to the Legal Profession

Hennes Communications has been named among the top crisis PR firms in the U.S. by Chambers and Partners, the leading independent professional legal research company in the world. Hennes Communications is one of only 18 communication consulting firms included in the list for 2024. Bruce Hennes, chief executive officer, also received an individual ranking by […]

‘No Comment’ Is Morphing Into No Response

From Tom Weidlich at PRCG | Haggerty… Former Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi has a piece in the Columbia Journalism Review this week highlighting the trend (he has numbers) of companies and others not even responding to reporters’ calls for comment. His examples concern crises. Farhi did Nexis searches and found that mentions of the phrase “did not […]

What’s With the Rise of “Fact-Based Journalism”?

By Philip M. Napoli and Asa Royal for Nieman Lab Here’s a term you may be hearing with increasing frequency: “Fact-based journalism.” The Associated Press uses it in fund-raising appeals, as does ProPublica, and our local NPR affiliate. The National Association of Broadcasters and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting both describe themselves as purveyors of “fact-based journalism” in their public relations materials. Even […]

Three Must-Haves in Your Next Press Release

By Matt Petteruto for PR News As the media landscape continues to change at a dizzying pace, it can be difficult for PR and communications pros to keep pace. Layoffs continue to mount, while the manner in which news is delivered and consumed by audiences is constantly evolving. Despite these rapid changes, one thing remains for […]

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