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Oh, Ohtani! Gambling Scandal Has High Comms Stakes

From our colleague, Tom Weidlich, at PRCG | Haggerty… One of the biggest crises currently rocking the sports world — the gambling scandal swirling around Los Angeles Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani — raises all sorts of tawdry communications issues with all sorts of important communications lessons. Not the least of those lessons arises from a […]

Steve Jobs’s Nervousness Before His First TV Interview 46 Years Ago, Proves Even Geniuses Have to Start Somewhere

From Jeff Haden, writing for Inc… It’s easy to assume Steve Jobs — like any extremely successful person — was somehow made differently. That he possessed certain innate qualities. Talent. Perseverance. Creativity. Intelligence. Emotional intelligence. (OK, maybe not that one.) It’s easy to assume that who he was inside, and what that allowed him to do, made all the difference. Yet Steve Jobs wasn’t […]

Is the CEO Really Your Best Crisis Spokesperson?

From our friend and colleague in Australia, Tony Jaques… Who should speak in a crisis? That deceptively simple question can help determine whether an organisation’s reputation is enhanced or irreparably damaged when things go wrong. And behind that question are two common errors in crisis management. The first error is the idea that “speaking with one voice” […]

10 Tips to Craft Compelling Pitches in a Skeptical Media World

By Michelle Ubben for PRNews In this fast-changing world with nearly limitless ways to get your message out, independent coverage from credible media outlets remains the Holy Grail. But there’s a reason it’s called earned media—PR professionals have to work hard and employ smart strategies to attract reporter attention and win hard-earned coverage. Given the evolving media […]

Why ‘Off the Record’ is a High-Wire Act Best Avoided

By Hennes Communications Q:  A reporter wants to interview me, and I don’t want to be identified as the source of the information.  What do I do? A:  The reporter’s goal is to interview you with no strings attached – everything you say and do can be reported. This is called “on the record” and […]

Lessons From a School on Handling a Social Media Crisis

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Whether in-person or virtual, the kids are still in school.  For the moment, however, this will be a class for the adults – and class is now in session on how to handle a social media crisis. On a Labor Day Sunday some time ago, the leadership team at a school […]

What Transparency Means Now for Leaders

By Mark Athitakis for Associations Now The past few years may well be remembered as a time when transparency was a major source of concern for leaders and their stakeholders. Like you, I probably consumed too much information about what Elon Musk was and wasn’t being forthright about at X; meanwhile, the calls for leaders […]

When Not to Pitch a Story

By Arthur Solomon for PRNews Israel’s response to the terrorists attack by Hamas raised important questions for people in our business: Is it bad judgment to continue pitching stories about fluff products like candies, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and other non-essential products, when all aspects of the media are covering the Israeli-Palestinian situation almost 24 […]

An Attorneys’ Guide To Crisis Communications & The Court Of Public Opinion

Need an end-of-the-year CLE? An Attorneys’ Guide To Crisis Communications & The Court Of Public Opinion Monday, December 11 9:00 am – 10:30 am eastern time 1.5 hours of CLE | Online via Zoom only To register, click here Today, with the ubiquity of the internet, the legal battlefield must include the Court of Public […]

PRovokeAP: Communicators Need An Arsenal Of Tools To Combat Disinformation

By Asiya Bakht for PRovoke Media As disinformation becomes rampant, communicators and brands need an arsenal of tools to combat it effectively. These could range from social listening tools to media intelligence tools that aid in identifying emerging threats and, at times, even mitigating them, helping you to stay prepared. This was view of the […]

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