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Does the Boss Need to Weigh In on the War in the Middle East?

From Emma Goldberg, writing for The New York Times… After reading the details of Hamas’s attacks on Israel on Oct. 7, Brad Karp, who runs the law firm Paul, Weiss, sat at his computer and wrote a memo to his roughly 2,000 employees. He didn’t ask the firm’s spokesman to draft it; he channeled his […]

10 Tips to Craft Compelling Pitches in a Skeptical Media World

By Michelle Ubben for PRNews In this fast-changing world with nearly limitless ways to get your message out, independent coverage from credible media outlets remains the Holy Grail. But there’s a reason it’s called earned media—PR professionals have to work hard and employ smart strategies to attract reporter attention and win hard-earned coverage. Given the evolving media […]

Why ‘Off the Record’ is a High-Wire Act Best Avoided

By Hennes Communications Q:  A reporter wants to interview me, and I don’t want to be identified as the source of the information.  What do I do? A:  The reporter’s goal is to interview you with no strings attached – everything you say and do can be reported. This is called “on the record” and […]

A Look Back: 2023 Biggest Fraud Trends

By Laura Burrows for Experian Information Solutions Fraud is a serious concern for everyone, including businesses and individuals. In fact, according to our 2023 U.S. Identity and Fraud Report, nearly two-thirds (64%) of consumers are very or somewhat concerned with online security, and over 50% of businesses have a high level of concern about fraud […]

The Most Scathing Book Reviews of 2023

From Literary Hub Beware of sharp knives. While his first book was weird and esoteric enough to have obviously been written by a human, this one reads like a politician’s memoir churned out by ChatGPT. It’s not an argument for acknowledging complexity, it’s an argument for not thinking. It’s an argument for focusing, first and […]

Lessons From a School on Handling a Social Media Crisis

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Whether in-person or virtual, the kids are still in school.  For the moment, however, this will be a class for the adults – and class is now in session on how to handle a social media crisis. On a Labor Day Sunday some time ago, the leadership team at a school […]

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