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The Hashtag That Became a Movement Marks its First Anniversary

From Nora Jacobs at Hennes Communications:   After this week’s events, if there is a place in America where the issue of sexual misconduct is not top-of-mind, it is a place without access to the internet, television and newspapers. Although the phrase “Me Too” dates back to 2006, it wasn’t until October 2017, when it […]

How the Media Encourages – and Sustains – Political Warfare

By Kyle Jensen and Jack Selzer, writing in The Conversation.   Since his inauguration, President Donald Trump has been waging war against the American press by dismissing unfavorable reports as “fake news” and calling the media “the enemy of the American people.” As a countermeasure, The Washington Post has publicly fact-checked every claim that Trump has […]

Lanny Davis is More Proof That 2018 is Year of Lawyers Living Dangerously

From Jonathan Turley, writing for The Hill: For lawyers, it has been a year of living dangerously. The scandals swirling around Washington have left a pile of attorneys accused of false statements, leaks or other improper conduct. The latest casualty appears to be Lanny Davis, who just admitted to not only spreading a false story […]

Is the NFL Invincible?

It’s football season.  Does the National Football League still own Sundays? Rolling Stone write Ryan Bort interviewed author Mark Leibovich about his new book,‘Big Game.’  You can read their chat about Trump, Goodell and the dysfunctional group of billionaires presiding over America’s most popular sport here. The Reporter Who Won’t Let the NFL Go Off-the-Record […]

When A Video Isn’t The Whole Story

From Scott Simon at National Public Radio: We live in times of instant mass outrage. Someone does something, says something or is seen doing something and they can be demonized with a click. The next time you might be tempted, think of this: In the fourth inning of Sunday’s game between the Chicago Cubs and […]

How LeBron James Mastered the Media

From Bryan Curtis, writing in The Wringer: After Game 3 of the NBA Finals, reporters surrounded Kevin Love in the Cavaliers’ locker room. ESPN’s Brian Windhorst stood at the group’s outer edge. This is an advantage of working for the Worldwide Leader; Windhorst can tap into the company’s boom mics and hear the interviews from […]

Crisis Management Requires Truth, Not Obfuscation

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications There are some people who believe President Donald Trump and his closest advisers committed illegal acts by conspiring with Russian officials before and after the 2016 presidential election. Others believe the president and his advisers indeed had contacts with Russian officials, but that those contacts were benign and not criminal. […]

Weasel Words: The Lexicon of TV Pundits (But Not Exclusively)

From CommPro, written by Arthur Solomon, Public Relations Consultant: Depending upon which dictionary you use, a weasel will be defined as “sneaky or untrustworthy,” (Meriram-Webster); “achieve something by use of cunning or deceit,” (Oxford Living Dictionaries); or “a word  used “to temper the forthrightness of a statement; that makes one’s views equivocal, misleading or confusing,” ( Perhaps […]

Inside the Binge Factory

Netflix is changing what we watch and how we watch.  Understanding how Netflix fits into the general media landscape is essential for crisis managers and communicators.  Here, an interesting piece from New York Magazine and What do you think about gas in the tank for the long term?” asks Cindy Holland, Netflix’s vice-president of […]

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