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Schools Face Five Areas of Technological Risk

This article is written by attorney David Wolowitz, co-chair of the Education Law Group of McLane Middleton, P.A., with offices in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. While written for Wolowitz’ independent schools, it’s equally applicable to public, parochial and charter schools.   Strong digital use policies, trainings and behavioral standards can protect schools from these emerging […]

Pagers, Pay Phones, and Dialup: How We Communicated on 9/11

From Garret Graff, writing for Wired Magazine: The voice message that Lauren Grandcolas left for her husband, Jack, on September 11, 2001, would puzzle a generation raised with smartphones. Two months pregnant with their first child, the 38-year-old Grandcolas was returning home to California when her flight from Newark Airport—United 93—was hijacked, and she, along with […]

The Evolutionary Nature of Crisis Communications

From Anthony Spota, writing for Fair Observer: In an era when 280 characters can spur the demise or salvation of entire companies, so-called crisis communications has become an increasingly important and technically complex profession. Today’s successful specialists in this craft must be knowledgeable about a variety of topics including public relations, psychology, data science and […]

Humans are Hardwired to Dismiss Facts That Don’t Fit Their Worldview

From Adrian Bardon, Professor of Philosophy, Wake Forest University, writing for The Conversation. Something is rotten in the state of American political life. The U.S. (among other nations) is increasingly characterized by highly polarized, informationally insulated ideological communities occupying their own factual universes. Within the conservative political blogosphere, global warming is either a hoax or so uncertain as […]

Businesses & Nonprofits Must Plan Now for Coronavirus Outbreak

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications   In the face of a coronavirus pandemic, prudent business and nonprofit leaders should be using “peace time” to prepare for the worst. Animal viruses that jump species can and often do change or mutate, presenting challenges to doctors and researchers.  In rapidly developing situations, reporters demand simple and definitive […]

Coronavirus & Risk Communications

February 3, 2020 Beyond the headlines and soundbites, the main effect from coronavirus seen thus far in the United States may be confusion. Who to believe. What to believe. And how best to prepare and think about this latest global threat right now. Today, we offer analysis and advice from perhaps the United States’ preeminent […]

9 Corporate Communications Changes to Anticipate for 2020

When it comes to corporate risk and resilience, one of the gurus in the industry is our friend and colleague, Richard Levick, who recently gazed into his risk-ridden crystal ball. Richard believes that 2020 will bring precedent-shattering cyber breaches, radical revisions to enterprise risk management, a public relations backlash to the #MeToo movement, litigation funding […]

Crisis and Reputation Management Increasingly are About Managing Social Media

By Thom Fladung/ Hennes Communications How fast is social media at reporting on events – including events that your organization might consider a crisis? Faster than you. Consider a situation involving a school in Westfield, N.Y., that we stumbled upon. Here’s the first paragraph of a story from the Westfield Republican:   “Parents need to realize […]

Lots of PR Firms Sell Their Crisis Work – Let The Buyer Beware

By Bruce Hennes/Hennes Communications With no barriers to entry, every public relations firm in the U.S. now appears to offer “crisis communications.” They don’t. At least, all of those who claim to don’t. Crisis work requires a different – and often counterintuitive – skill set from the traditional practice of public relations.  It’s also an art […]

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