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How Jeni’s Ice Cream Faced a Bet-the-Store Crisis

[By Nora Jacobs, APR] When news of the Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream recall first broke in April, we lauded the company’s communication response .  (If you missed that post, you can access it here.)  We watched reports of the crisis in the following weeks and could only imagine what was going on within the company […]

Man Records Doctors Insulting Him During His Own Colonoscopy; Shock, Anger and Lawsuit Follow.

[By Bruce Hennes]  Restaurant workers putting disgusting substances in customer’s food.  Politicians seeking and accepting favors.  Employees on disability doing yard work.  Police officers committing crimes. Every day, a new shocking story on Twitter, another Facebook “caught on tape,” a “you won’t believe what the camera saw” on YouTube. Everyone you know now carries a […]

We’re Not Hennes Paynter Anymore

Hennes Paynter Communications, one of the few firms in the U.S. focused exclusively on crisis communications and reputation management, is now Hennes Communications.  The firm also offers litigation communications and media training services to its clients that are “on trial” in the Court of Public Opinion.  The change follows the departure of former partner Barbara Paynter, […]

Reputation Watch – Lawsuits’ Lurid Details Draw an Online Crowd

Every lawyer knows that if they call a press conference, lay out allegations of misconduct, and later on those allegations are defamatory, they can easily get sued. But if the lawyer files suit and the media downloads and widely publicizes those same allegations, the lawyer is likely safe. More and more, first court filings are […]

Bill Cosby’s Team Comes Out Swinging Against Accusers

[by Bruce Hennes] Bill Cosby has repeatedly refused to talk about decades-old allegations of sexual misconduct. Meanwhile, his legal team has launched an aggressive, organized and expensive effort to quash accusations by attacking the accusers’ characters and motives, according to The New York Times. Sure, it’s possible that Cosby is not guilty of any of […]

Risky Business

[by Bruce Hennes]  According to Reputation Dividend, a company that helps quantify the economic value of reputation for publicly held businesses, few CEOs would argue that their corporate reputation isn’t one of their company’s most precious assets. Giving thought to the difference between ‘brand’ and ‘reputation,’ Sandra Macleod writes, “The value and importance of a […]

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