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Online Comment Boards: Learn to Swim Before Jumping in the Water

[By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications]   The first of two parts on how best to deal with online comments. Today: How to be prepared. Next: How to get involved.     John Kroll has some advice about news story online comments for folks in charge of their organizations’ reputations: Know the water before you jump […]

Crisis Management – How to Appear Confident & Self-Assured, Even When You’re Not

Stereotypes are tough to challenge or break.  Whether you’re an entrepreneur, executive director, school superintendent, hospital administrator, businessperson, consultant or one of a thousand other job titles, the usual, and unfortunate, model of gravitas and accomplishment is the 60-year-old, gray-haired male.  Especially when it “hits the fan,” clients look for both the familiar, the trustworthy – […]

The Difference Between Tylenol and Volkswagen: The Imagination of Disaster

When someone added cyanide to Tylenol capsules in the Chicago area in 1982, killing seven people, Johnson & Johnson, owner of Tylenol was faced with an unprecedented crisis.  How they handled that situation is still the gold standard for corporate crisis management. Today, the “gold standard” for how to not handle a crisis continues to be Volkswagen. […]

Brazil Mine Disaster Shows Value (and Harm) of Public Relations Responses

From   Within hours of a deadly mining spill in November that would become Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, BHP Chief Executive Andrew Mackenzie was in front of a camera offering his sympathies to those affected. Meanwhile, his counterpart at joint venture partner Vale SA, Murilo Ferreira, took nearly a week after the mine wastewater […]

What to Do If Your Boss Asks You to Break the Rules

From the Harvard Business Review: All of us, at some point or another, are asked to break the rules at work. It may be a small action, like rounding up or down in an accounts ledger, or a small inaction, like looking the other way while others do so. It may be a one-time request, […]

Florida Bar Laughs Off Nonsensical ‘Bar Complaint’

From  Remember Patrick Zarrelli? Of course you do. He’s the dude bro, who claimed to run a “reputation management” service, who was hired by an attorney named Gary Ostrow to “clean up” his Google mentions. At issue were a bunch of blog posts from blogging lawyers mocking Ostrow’s ridiculous press release. Zarrelli seemed to […]

Tips & Techniques to Help Anyone Become a Better Speaker

From our good friend – and a terrific writer – Marilyn Cavicchia at the American Bar Association: If you’ve ever heard Tim Eigo speak at Annual or Midyear meetings or at the ABA Bar Leadership Institute, you know that this is a guy who loves to present. While it is true that Eigo, editor of the […]

When an Icon Crashes, Is an Apology Enough?

[By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications] The first car I ever owned was a ’57 Volkswagen that I bought for $100. Its most memorable features were a cloth sunroof and turn signals that flipped out of the side pillars like miniature wings.  It was almost as fanciful as the Morris Minor I learned to drive on, […]

BP, Enron – and Now Volkswagen

From our colleagues at CyberAlert:  Should VW follow the standard PR/Legal Crisis Management Playbook? Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall listening to discussions in the Volkswagen corporate headquarters about how to contain the fallout from the emissions testing scandal? You might imagine that VW executives are trying to develop strategies and […]

Why Hollywood Loves Lawyers

Thane Rosenbaum, a distinguished fellow and director of the Forum on Law, Culture & Society at New York University School of Law, writes:  Academy Award-winning actress and Harvard heartthrob Natalie Portman announces that she has signed on to do a biopic on the life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and law lovers everywhere […]

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