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PR Warfare: When An Enemy Targets Your Firm In the Press

From Cheryl Connor, writing for Forbes: Does anybody remember Lori Cheek? Those who follow my columns may remember my story about the intrepid entrepreneur who was famously turned down in front of eight million viewers by all five investors on Shark Tank and used the experience to propel her mobile dating site, Cheekd, on her own. “That […]

Data and Privacy Breach Notification Plans: What You Need to Know

By Michael Nadeau, from CSO Online: You’ve just discovered a breach that exposes your global customers’ personal information. It’s after May 25, so you are required to report the breach within 72 hours to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The clock is ticking. Do you know the process for reporting the […]

Weasel Words: The Lexicon of TV Pundits (But Not Exclusively)

From CommPro, written by Arthur Solomon, Public Relations Consultant: Depending upon which dictionary you use, a weasel will be defined as “sneaky or untrustworthy,” (Meriram-Webster); “achieve something by use of cunning or deceit,” (Oxford Living Dictionaries); or “a word  used “to temper the forthrightness of a statement; that makes one’s views equivocal, misleading or confusing,” ( Perhaps […]

Wide-Awake: Sanofi’s Rapid Response to Roseanne Barr’s Twitter Attack – Lessons Learned

[By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications]   By now you know the story: Acerbic, sharp-tongued comedian Roseanne Barr shoots her mouth off on Twitter, posting a racist tweet targeting Valerie Jarrett, a former aide to President Barack Obama: “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj [Valerie Jarrett]” ABC wastes no time cutting ties […]

How Lawyers Can Minimize Professional Mistakes During a Scandal Like That at Penn State

[By Stephanie York, JD, Hennes Communications] “What were they thinking?”  That’s what we all ask when a big scandal unfolds, such as Penn State, Enron, Watergate and most recently, the Michigan State sex abuse scandal.  Those on the outside are left scratching their heads, wondering how those huge institutions got so deep and so far […]

How Facebook’s Response Ignited the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

From our good friend and colleague, James Haggerty: In a crisis, it’s not the event itself that counts. It’s the response. Unfortunately for Facebook’s shareholders, it appears Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, and the company’s other leaders did not understand this basic rule of crisis management when handling the Cambridge Analytica scandal. For my 2017 book, Chief […]

He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About An Information Apocalypse.

From Buzzfeed: “What happens when anyone can make it appear as if anything has happened, regardless of whether or not it did?” technologist Aviv Ovadya warns. In mid-2016, Aviv Ovadya realized there was something fundamentally wrong with the internet — so wrong that he abandoned his work and sounded an alarm. A few weeks before the 2016 election, […]

Tough Calls: Is Your Loyalty to the Person, Office or Organization?

A frequent concern at Hennes Communications before and during the work we do for clients is to make certain we understand who our client actually is.  In most situations, it’s an institution, organization or company – not necessarily the individual who hired us or signed the engagement letter.  Many of our readers must make that […]

The Sex-Abuse Victims America Ignored

The Penn State – Joe Paterno situation immediately grabbed public attention. But it took way too long for the Michigan State University gymnastics scandal to capture the country’s attention. Here’s why. From Alex Putterman, writing for The Atlantic: It was an arresting moment, even on a day full of them. The Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman […]

Lawyers Who Do Their Own Media Strategy Have a Fool for a Client

From our good friend, Gene Grabowski: A disturbing sidebar to the story about accusations that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein engaged in decades of alleged sexual misconduct features the performance of his former lawyer, Lisa Bloom. Bloom, who resigned after clashing with the Weinstein Company’s board of directors, was recently exposed for presenting to the board […]

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