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Your Favorite Journalism Movies

By Annie Aguiar, writing for Poynter… What’s your favorite journalism movie? That’s the question we asked on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Reddit, and then compiled your votes into a final list of favorites. We’ve published our own list before from senior media writer Tom Jones, but we wanted to hear from you. Your favorite journalism movies […]

By | December 20, 2022 | Journalism, Media Culture

How the U.S. Men’s Soccer Captain, 23, Delivered a Pitch-Perfect Response

By Seth Arenstein for PRNEWS As PR pros know well, communicating isn’t difficult, until it is. Even the media-trained make mistakes, say things they regret, forget a key talking point, let a journalist’s question, or something else, distract them. Press conferences sometimes are especially difficult. Communicators urge executives that ignoring everything but the questioner is the best […]

Sports PR Crises That Provide Lessons for All

By Arthur Solomon for PRNEWS Books about mishandling PR crises often include sagas about Boeing, Wells Fargo, Volkswagen, the tobacco industry and BP. An accompanying chapter should include how sports mishandles PR crises. The National Football League (concussion denial, players and owners involved in abusive behavior with little punishment) should get the longest segment.  It has had enough crises to enlarge the […]

Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover is an ‘Anomaly’ in Human Resources

By Ginger Christ for HRDIVE Nearly everything about Elon Musk’s $44 billion acquisition of social media company Twitter has been out of the ordinary, experts say. From the billionaire’s solo purchase of the company to a slew of personnel changes made within days of the Oct. 27 acquisition, it’s “definitely an anomaly,” said Ayesha Whyte, […]

BBC Prepares Secret Scripts for Possible Use in Winter Blackouts

By Severin Carrell and Jim Waterson for The Guardian The BBC has prepared secret scripts that could be read on air if energy shortages cause blackouts or the loss of gas supplies this winter. The scripts, seen by the Guardian, set out how the corporation would reassure the public in the event that a “major loss of […]

James Corden and the Dangers of Likability

From Jason Zinoman at The New York Times   No one knows what an egg yolk omelet is, but we all know that TV hosts should be relatable. Or should they? That didn’t do Ellen DeGeneres any favors. Not since Humpty Dumpty has an egg made such a mess. Last night, one week and countless […]

Social Media Made Spreading Disinformation Easy

By Kate Cray for The Atlantic Atlantic staff writer Anne Applebaum, an expert on Eastern Europe, has long watched social media’s power with great concern. Yesterday, at Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy, a conference hosted by The Atlantic and the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics, she spoke with David Axelrod, the founding director of the Institute […]

Shifting Pitching Tactics Yields Positive Results for Communicators

By Nicole Schuman for PRNews A recent survey conducted by Propel, a PR management platform, revealed positive news for media relations pros. The Q4 2022 Propel Media Barometer found journalists are responding to pitches more often. Zach Cutler, Propel co-founder, CEO & chairman, and former PR agency owner, believes this uptick stems from changing PR strategies. “We’ve […]

It’s 2022: Do You Know Where Your Audience Is?

By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications Quick! A controversial issue is about to blow up your company’s reputation. There’s heated chatter among Twitter trolls. Reporters are poking around in your email box and voicemail. There’s trash talk building in conversations among your customers, vendors and suppliers out in the real world. How should you respond? Issue […]

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