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Crisis Management: Faced With Trump’s Relentless Attacks, Ford (Finally) Has A Better Idea

By Thom Fladung Hennes Communications During Monday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump once again made Ford Motor Co. the poster child for corporate flight from America. “So Ford is leaving,” Trump said. “You see that, their small car division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio. They’re all leaving. And we can’t allow it […]

The TV I-Team is Back: Better Be Ready!

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] They’re the bane of guilty players everywhere. They pop out from behind buildings and bushes as you’re scrambling to get into your car. They run you down with a microphone stuck in your face and a Frezzi light blinding you. You’re trapped like a deer in a headlight with an […]

Cleveland, Its Police and the Republican National Convention: How Crisis Management Prevented a Crisis

By Thom Fladung Hennes Communications The 2016 Republican National Convention hadn’t yet ended in Cleveland when the questions started from old friends in St. Paul, Minnesota. The first I noticed was a tweet from Rachel Stassen-Berger, the St. Paul Pioneer Press Capitol bureau chief, on the morning of July 21, the RNC’s final day: “Has […]

Horse-Race Journalism Dominated Primary Media Coverage

The media love to tell “horse race” stories. And if you’ve been watching/reading about the presidential race over the last year, you’ve seen a lot of them. While horse race stories are certainly legitimate storytelling “frames,” we’re not sure democracy is best-served with an overabundance on that particular frame. From Poynter in a piece written by […]

The Social Media Uproar Over Harambe’s Death

Cameron Knight figured Saturday would be a good day to catch up on some weekend work. Barring any breaking news, he planned to finish a Memorial Day story and a piece on the anniversary of the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire. As the breaking news reporter at The Cincinnati Enquirer worked, he listened to the […]

McDonald’s and ‘The Founder’: What to Do When Your Brand’s in an Unsought Spotlight

From PRNews Online: “The Founder,” set to open in the U.S. on Aug. 5, is the latest in a string of movies to examine an American corporate institution and the visionary figure behind it. Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs were given the Hollywood treatment (twice for the latter); now it’s Ray Kroc’s turn, the man […]

Using Journalism to Find Solutions: Join a Community Conversation About a Growing Trend

By Thom Fladung Hennes Communications Plenty of people have talked about what’s wrong with journalism over the last decade. Shrinking newsrooms. More mistakes as fewer people do more work under more time pressure. Too much bias. Plummeting public confidence in the media. Some of the criticism is valid. Some is a tried-and-true tradition. (Check out […]

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