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Why ‘Off the Record’ is a High-Wire Act Best Avoided

By Hennes Communications Q:  A reporter wants to interview me, and I don’t want to be identified as the source of the information.  What do I do? A:  The reporter’s goal is to interview you with no strings attached – everything you say and do can be reported. This is called “on the record” and […]

Bruce Hennes Honored as a Notable Nonprofit Board Leader by Crain’s Cleveland Business

From the December 11, 2023 issue of Crain’s Cleveland Business Nonprofit board leaders donate their time, money and energy to these organizations. And they do so on top of everything else going on in their lives, including—often—family, full-time jobs and other volunteering duties. But it’s that dedication that makes these leaders stand out. Not only […]

By | December 16, 2023 | Journalism, Uncategorized

A Swift Reputation

Time Magazine chose Taylor Swift as Person of the Year, offering a jump-off to examine the challenges faced by CEO’s and nonprofit executives in today’s climate of intense consumer activism and digital scrutiny, highlighting how modern boycotts and activism can cause lasting reputational damage to brands, unlike in the past. The article emphasizes the need for […]

Taylor Swift Shows Time Magazine’s Person of the Year Still Matters

By Tom Jones for Poynter Does Time magazine still matter? In recent years, there have been stories about the so-called demise of Time magazine. In fact, The Atlantic wrote a story with the headline: “Running Out of TIME: The Slow, Sad Demise of a Great American Magazine.” That was 10 years ago. Once upon a time, the weekly printed […]

When Not to Pitch a Story

By Arthur Solomon for PRNews Israel’s response to the terrorists attack by Hamas raised important questions for people in our business: Is it bad judgment to continue pitching stories about fluff products like candies, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and other non-essential products, when all aspects of the media are covering the Israeli-Palestinian situation almost 24 […]

An Attorneys’ Guide To Crisis Communications & The Court Of Public Opinion

Need an end-of-the-year CLE? An Attorneys’ Guide To Crisis Communications & The Court Of Public Opinion Monday, December 11 9:00 am – 10:30 am eastern time 1.5 hours of CLE | Online via Zoom only To register, click here Today, with the ubiquity of the internet, the legal battlefield must include the Court of Public […]

PRovokeAP: Communicators Need An Arsenal Of Tools To Combat Disinformation

By Asiya Bakht for PRovoke Media As disinformation becomes rampant, communicators and brands need an arsenal of tools to combat it effectively. These could range from social listening tools to media intelligence tools that aid in identifying emerging threats and, at times, even mitigating them, helping you to stay prepared. This was view of the […]

Creating an Effective Press Kit: Key Components

By Katerina Antonova for PRNews Competing for journalists’ attention isn’t easy. Reporters are bombarded by numerous press releases and news tips every day. Naturally, not every story ends up being published, and not every expert gets a chance to see their name in a magazine. There are, of course, various tactics to help win the […]

Don’t Over-Think the Grim News from the Washington Post

By Jack Shafer for Politico It was 30 years ago that novelist-filmmaker-physician Michael Crichton lowered his stethoscope to the chest of the media business and denounced it as dying, if not dead. The diagnosis began as a National Press Club speech, but he promptly adapted it into magazine form and published it in Wired under the […]

Challenging the Next Generation to Communicate Preparedness

Introduction by Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications “It seems that, just when a communication campaign has adapted to current trends, it is already out of date.” – Chris Sheach, Paul Smith’s College Creating crisis communications that resonate with a range of audiences has always been a challenge.  The advent of social media has made this task […]

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