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To Our Lawyer Friends – Who’s Really at Fault in Sea Lion Attack?

From Video has emerged of a little girl being dragged off a pier and into the water (a few weeks ago) by a sea lion in British Columbia. The girl’s family reportedly had been feeding the sea lion and whistling or holding their hands over the water, as if they were holding a treat. The video […]

Send in the Drones

From our friend, Darrell Clay: Cameras are ubiquitous these days:  They are found in or on street corners, hallways, retail stores, restaurants, and more. Even airplane passengers are ready to whip out their smart phones to capture and instantly share video footage on YouTube or Facebook Live. Are you prepared for the next generation of […]

Fox News Followed The Money In Firing O’Reilly – And Failed Crisis Communications Test

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications The axe that hovered for weeks finally fell on Wednesday as 21st Century Fox announced that Bill O’Reilly would not be returning to Fox News Channel, the cable news outlet O’Reilly helped build, in the wake of a string of explosive sexual harassment claims, broken by the New York Times. […]

A Fox In The Bill O’Reilly House: A Study In ‘Mercantile Activism’

From our colleague, Richard Levick: Fox News’ slipshod handling of sexual harassment charges against former CEO Roger Ailes and über commentator Bill O’Reilly should serve as an object lesson for companies caught in Trump-era klieg lights — not to mention the indirect light these crises shed on their sponsors. In an era of one-party rule and […]

I Studied How Journalists Used Twitter for Two Years. Here’s What I Learned

From Alecia Swasy, writing for Poynter: Twitter reflects the good, the bad and just plain ugly reality of social media these days. For academics, journalists and voters, there’s never been a more crucial time to talk about the impact these social media platforms have on factual journalism and being watchdogs of the powerful. It’s in […]

True or False? It Depends.

[By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications] When we talk to clients about the challenges of communicating about an issue they are facing, we often discuss the phenomenon of “confirmation bias” – the tendency individuals have to believe facts that support their personal points of view while rejecting similarly legitimate facts that run counter to their personal […]

BBC Interview Goes Awry & Viral

[By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications] The blogosphere lit up with smiles this past Friday after a toddler photobombed Robert Kelly’s Skype interview with the BBC from his home in S. Korea.  Kelly, a political-science professor, was discussing the South Korea impeachment scandal from his home office with a door closed behind him.  As the questioning […]

Facebook & The Press: The Transfer of Power

From the Columbia Journalism Review: JOURNALISM’S BUSINESS CRISIS is well known, but in the wake of the US presidential election it is increasingly obvious that the true existential crisis for journalism is its lack of influence. Fake news, a decline in trust, and plunging revenues are all proxies for a loss of influence and impact […]

Ways to Engage Employees Amid a Corporate Crisis

From The Wall Street Journal & Deloitte: Engaging employees can have a significant impact on an organization’s ability to anticipate, prepare for and respond to an incident. Nonetheless, nearly one-third (29.8%) of respondents in a recent poll of more than 3,900 professionals believe that employees may be the most overlooked stakeholder when their organization is […]

The Urgency of Truth in the Era of Alternative Facts

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] I don’t want to use the “T” word in this post – there are far too many hand-wringers out there opining about White House bombast and its daily Twitter fusillade. Here’s a “T” word that’s far more important: Truth. What’s happening to it? News anchors and reporters recoiled in horror […]

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