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The Tweeting Cow and the “Streisand Effect”

From Matt Cavanaugh at McDonald Hopkins: Earlier this week, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-California) sued Twitter, Liz Mair (a republican strategist), and two obvious parody Twitter accounts: “Devin Nunes’ Mom” and “Devin Nunes’ Cow.” A copy of the complaint is available here. Nunes claims that tweets by Mair and the parody accounts were defamatory and “fighting words” and that Twitter was negligent for […]

Thom Fladung, Managing Partner of Hennes Communications, Talks On-the-Record

Hear Thom Fladung, managing partner of Hennes Communications, talk to the Portage County Safety Council about crisis management here.  Hope you agree it’s worth the listen.

When an Alumnus With a Mike Says Something Offensive

Cornell University officials acted instantly when an honoree at an event used a word considered by many to be offensive.  Many present were upset but praised the university for not ignoring what happened. The article below, from Inside Higher Ed, details steps taken by the university to address the issue.  We believe you’ll also find […]

Why We Should All Avoid the Jussie Smollett-Style Rush To Judgment

From our good friend and colleague, Richard Levick: We still don’t know all the facts surrounding Jussie Smollett – so let’s not rush to condemnation with the same fury his supporters rushed to judgment about his “attackers.” As troubled as he may be, he is entitled to due process. The latest evidence presented by the Chicago police, however, points […]

‘No shit, Sherlock. Let’s get on with it.’

Since our founding thirty years ago, Hennes Communications has been involved in a number of high-profile, national stories.  Our crisis management consultants have first-hand and direct second-hand experience being on the receiving end of calls from nationally-known reporters, morning show guest bookers, field producers, bloggers and freelancers (most legit; some not) asking/demanding information, access, interviews […]

Tell the Truth & Tell It First

Can best practices for a garden center help your business or organization?  It sure can.  Read below. From From local newspaper and television stories to social media reviews, coverage of your independent garden center sways the opinions of consumers interested in your store. When press is positive, everyone basks in the warmth. But when […]

A Lawyer, C.I.A. Analyst and a Crisis Management Specialist Walk Into a Bar…

By Bruce Hennes, CEO, Hennes Communications Before James Comey headed up the F.B.I., he served as general counsel of Lockheed Martin Corporation. While at Lockheed, he spoke at the National Security Agency about how studying law is similar to the education intelligence analysts receive. “You read a case and decipher…relevant facts, the [outcome] of the case…you are […]

The New Law of Litigation Communications: Your Case Will Now Be Heard – On Facebook

By Thom Fladung, Managing Partner, Hennes Communications The Court of Public Opinion is now in session. In fact, it’s always in session – on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media outlets. The practice of litigation communications or litigation public relations is young, as legal and communications matters go, emerging in the early 1980s, according to […]

Today’s Q&A: “No Comment”

How do you handle the situation where you’re dealing with a client whose attorney doesn’t want to issue a statement other than, “No Comment”? [By Stephanie York, JD, Hennes Communications] As an attorney, I understand the knee-jerk instinct to say “We don’t comment on pending litigation.” When we are faced with attorneys who counsel their […]

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