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What You Can Learn About Crisis Communications From Dr. Fauci

From Donovan Roche, writing for The Marketing Insider… Regardless of what side of the political aisle you might sit on, it’s difficult to deny that Dr. Anthony Fauci, known as the nation’s top infectious disease expert, is a proficient spokesperson during a crisis. In fact, a July Morning Consult/Politico poll showed 62% of registered voters […]

Authory – Hundreds of Articles on Crisis Management & Crisis Communications

Authory is a free service that brings together over 600 thought leadership pieces and curated articles on the subject of crisis management and crisis communications that have been published in our Crisis Management Today newsletter and Hennes Communications blog. And it’s searchable by keyword.  So when you need an answer, when you’re looking for something […]

The Intersection of Media & The Law

Looking for CLE Credit Outside of Ohio? Unfortunately, we are not able to offer CLE credit outside of Ohio. However, it has been our experience that if you take the agenda and materials and submit them to the CLE Commission for your state, you have a good chance of getting CLE credit. Not an Attorney? […]

When a Leader Falls Ill: How to Communicate

From Nicole Shuman, writing for PRNews: A leader of a company or organization can serve as the quarterback when it comes to delivering a positive reputation to the public. While a leader does not always handle the nuts and bolts and day-to-day details of running a brand, he/she serves as a face for employees, customers, […]

5 Communication Lessons From The Harris-Pence Debate

From Edward Segal, writing in Forbes: Presidential and vice presidential debates have been an important part of the American electoral process for decades. They provide voters with unfiltered opportunities to hear directly from the people who want to lead our country. As a public speaker myself, and a former presentation skills trainer, last night I […]

US Presidential Debates: 3 Studies You Should Know About

From Denise-Marie Ordway, writing for the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School: With the first presidential debate before the 2020 general election one week away, journalists across the U.S. will be trying to help voters understand the importance of this national event and how it could alter the […]

How Viewers of the Presidential Debates Can Become Better Informed Voters (And Not Alienate Family and Friends)

By Arthur Solomon, former VP at Burson-Marsteller: In a recent post, I wrote, “Soon the presidential debates will begin with their ridiculous format of having the candidates answer questions in a few seconds, instead of giving them sufficient time to fully state their positions.  Even worse, after each debate TV pundits will criticize the demeanor, […]

10 Ways to Spot Online Misinformation

From H. Colleen Sinclair,Associate Professor of Social Psychology, Mississippi State University, writing in The Conversation: Propagandists are already working to sow disinformation and social discord in the run-up to the November elections. Many of their efforts have focused on social media, where people’s limited attention spans push them to share items before even reading them – in part because […]

Dealing With a Crisis

The managing partner of Hennes Communications, Thom Fladung, was recently interviewed on the subject of crisis communications for Ari Lewis and his Mastering the Attention Economy video podcast. Tune-in here for a short, 20-minute master class on crisis management:

Crisis Comms Lessons From a Tennis Tantrum

From our good friends at PRCG | Haggerty, written by Thom Weidlich… Novak Djokovic, the No. 1 ranked men’s singles tennis player, threw a hissy at the U.S. Open on Sunday and bashed a ball that hit a line judge in the throat. Djokovic was ejected from the tournament, was fined and suffered a blow […]

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