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Corporate and Social and Political Engagement: An Introduction

By Alexandra Reed Lajoux, writing for Directors & Boards… Corporations  have the right to free speech. Should they exercise that right? Should corporations take public stances on social issues? Should they make contributions to political action committees or political parties? Under what circumstances do such actions create issues for corporations and their boards? These questions […]

What Scares the World’s Most Daring Olympians

Injury is a constant threat in their death-defying feats. The New York Times sat down with three dozen athletes who opened up about their fears. The Winter Olympics are a carnival of danger, a spectacle of speed and slick surfaces, powered mostly by the undefeated force of gravity. Skiers hurtle themselves down mountains faster than cars […]

By | February 13, 2022 | Journalism, Media Culture

The Best Guide to Spotting Misinformation Online

The Poynter Institute is a global leader in journalism.  It is the world’s leading instructor, innovator, convener and resource for anyone who aspires to engage and inform citizens.  Poynter champions freedom of expression, civil dialogue and compelling journalism that helps citizens participate in healthy democracies. Poynter prepares journalists worldwide to hold powerful people accountable and promote […]

I’ve Been a Hostage Negotiator for Kidnapped Journalists Like Daniel Pearl. Here’s What I Wish Everyone Knew.

From Daniel Levin, writing in The Forward… Today marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Daniel Pearl, the American journalist who was kidnapped and then brutally murdered by terrorists in Pakistan on Feb. 1, 2002. Danny’s death affected me deeply — his abduction on the way to an arranged interview at a Karachi restaurant, […]

How Conspiracy Theories in the U.S. Became More Personal, More Cruel, and More Mainstream After the Sandy Hook Shootings

From Amanda J. Crawford, writing for NiemanLab… Conspiracy theories are powerful forces in the U.S. They have damaged public health amid a global pandemic, shaken faith in the democratic process and helped spark a violent assault on the U.S. Capitol in January 2021. These conspiracy theories are part of a dangerous misinformation crisis that has been building […]

Why Spotify Can’t Afford to Lose Joe Rogan

From Ashley Carman, writing for The Verge… You’ve probably seen this by now, but to catch you up if not: On Monday, Neil Young issued an ultimatum to Spotify: keep Joe Rogan or me. It can’t have both on the service. “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines — potentially causing death […]

CBS and Elio’s Cleanly Elude Brian Williams and Sarah Palin Incidents

By Seth Arenstein, PR News… PR pros hope there are few evenings like last night (Jan. 24). Relying on anonymous sources, CNN’s Oliver Darcy reported that CBS approached erstwhile MSNBC and NBC star Brian Williams with a job offer. Twice Williams was pitched on anchoring “The CBS Evening News.” Rehabilitated on MSNBC’s “11th Hour,” Williams left that post last month. Officially […]

Stupid Questions Pitched at Presidents

From Timothy Noah, writing for The Soapbox… We’ve seen much commentary about whether it was inappropriate for Joe Biden to mumble into a hot mic that Fox News’s Peter Doocy was a “stupid son of a bitch,” and not enough about whether Biden’s assessment was truthful. The first question is easily answered. No, presidents should not go […]

Four Lessons from Two Decades of Newsroom Lawyering

By Richard Tofel, writing in NiemanLab… Sometime early next month, I will formally retire from the practice of law after 26 years at the bar, including more than 21 years as a full- or part-time newsroom attorney.1 As I do this, I want to take stock of a few of the more important things I think […]

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