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Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications – Having a crisis consultant in your contact list is nice, but no substitute for having a plan in place. For companies and organizations, written, tested and ready-to-go business continuity plans should be  part of doing business. Typically, those plans include the step-by-step operational response procedures to follow in the […]

Florida School Board Association Partners with Hennes Communications to Provide Issues Management Crisis Management & Communications Services to Members

There are scores of reasons why your district can be thrust into the news. Lawsuit…sports controversy…social media threats…active shooter… board-superintendent clash…criminal accusation…discrimination complaints…diversity issues…FERPA or HIPAA violation…fiscal mismanagement…protest… sexual misconduct…student newspaper story…challenging conversations… testing controversy…union grievance/strike… Suddenly, there’s a TV crew in the parking lot, your local newspaper is on Line One and the situation […]

Corporate America Doesn’t Want to Talk Abortion, but It May Have To

Business leaders, who have increasingly waded into social issues like racial equity and voting rights, now face whether to comment on abortion.  A recent New York Times story talks to corporate executives, business professors and others about that decision and provides examples of what some businesses are choosing to say. From Emma Goldberg, Alisha Haridasani […]

Tips for Creating Powerful, Pithy and Publishable Soundbites

From Jonah Bryson, writing for PRNews… The 24-hour news cycle drowns countless stories that deserve attention. Stories cannot land press coverage without a tasty soundbite, as Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson describes them. Hence it is paramount to design, deliver and circulate soundbites strategically. Here are two that have stood the test of time: “The only thing we have […]

How to Speak Out With Confidence

From Mark Athitakis writing in Associations Now… Taking half a stand isn’t taking a stand at all. That’s one of the key lessons from the PR mess that Disney found itself in last week. The entertainment giant came under heavy criticism—including from its own employees—for its donations to Florida politicians who supported a recent bill […]

The Role of the Board in Preparing for Extraordinary Risk

From Nora Aufreiter, Celia Huber and Ophelia Usher writing for McKinsey & Co…. The pandemic has been a stark reminder for many organizations that they are insufficiently prepared for crises that could not merely destabilize them but put them out of business. In this episode of the Inside the Strategy Room podcast, our board perspective series looks at […]

Who Should Take the Lead in a Crisis?

With no barriers to entry, every public relations firm in the U.S. – and many around the world – now appear to offer “crisis communications.” They don’t. At least, all of those who claim to don’t. Crisis work requires a different – and often counterintuitive – skill set from the traditional practice of public relations.  […]

Zelensky Shows the Power of Persuasion During Time of Crisis

From Evan Nierman, writing for The Hill… Whether he is reporting news in cryptic sound bites on Twitter or speaking from a gloomy subterranean bunker or darkened streets, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky continues to demonstrate the enormous impact of harnessing powerful messages and sharing them with the right tone and authority. In addition to his undeniable bona fide […]

Fighting Putin’s Propaganda: Narrative Response Toolkit

From our colleagues at Lynn PR in the United Kingdom, written by Stefan Rollnik… President Putin is waging two wars which are mutually reinforcing.  One with bombs and one with information. In seeking to pollute the information space with bad information, contradictory information and downright lies, Putin is blurring the lines of reality and making […]

The Reputational Risks Of Doing Business In Russia

By Maja Pawinska Sims, writing for PRokeMedia… Over the past two weeks, we have seen an unprecedented brand exodus from Russia. International brands that have been present in the country for many years have made the decision to pull out of their operations, as a direct consequence of president Putin’s own decision to invade Ukraine. […]

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