By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications At Hennes Communications, we often tell clients that they have an attorney for the Court of Law. But they have us for the Court of Public Opinion. And those two courts often require different – and at times conflicting – strategies. Attorneys have persuasive arguments for tailoring a strategy completely […]
From Kristen Senz, writing for the Harvard Business School: New research sheds light on implications of using politically correct and incorrect speech and identifies five techniques to increase persuasiveness and diffuse conflict. Insights from two recent studies in an emerging field—the psychology of conversation—are aimed at organizational leaders interested in improving their conversation styles to […]
From Edward Segal, writing in Forbes: Presidential and vice presidential debates have been an important part of the American electoral process for decades. They provide voters with unfiltered opportunities to hear directly from the people who want to lead our country. As a public speaker myself, and a former presentation skills trainer, last night I […]
By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications Organizations often assume that having an up-to-date crisis communications plan on the shelf will ensure that responding to a crisis event will go smoothly as a result. If the plan was carefully researched and based on good knowledge of the organization, that may well be the case. But there’s no […]
From our good friend, Marilyn Cavicchia, editor of Bar Leader, published by the American Bar Association Bar Services Division, comes this excellent article on executive presence, applicable to lawyers and non-lawyers: Executive presence—the way a person presents themselves and their ideas live or on video—“is much more important than it was 20 years ago,” according to […]
From Denise-Marie Ordway, writing for the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School: With the first presidential debate before the 2020 general election one week away, journalists across the U.S. will be trying to help voters understand the importance of this national event and how it could alter the […]
By Arthur Solomon, former VP at Burson-Marsteller: In a recent post, I wrote, “Soon the presidential debates will begin with their ridiculous format of having the candidates answer questions in a few seconds, instead of giving them sufficient time to fully state their positions. Even worse, after each debate TV pundits will criticize the demeanor, […]
From H. Colleen Sinclair,Associate Professor of Social Psychology, Mississippi State University, writing in The Conversation: Propagandists are already working to sow disinformation and social discord in the run-up to the November elections. Many of their efforts have focused on social media, where people’s limited attention spans push them to share items before even reading them – in part because […]
From Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Professor of Information Studies, Syracuse University, writing in The Conversation: Text messages and emails from political campaigns are pouring into Americans’ phones and inboxes right now. It’s happening to political junkies, to people who gave their phone numbers to campaigns, and even to people who try to keep their contact information off […]
The managing partner of Hennes Communications, Thom Fladung, was recently interviewed on the subject of crisis communications for Ari Lewis and his Mastering the Attention Economy video podcast. Tune-in here for a short, 20-minute master class on crisis management: