The “debate” over critical race theory – really, more often a shouting match – shows no sign of ending soon. As the New York Times noted in this thorough primer, the decades-old theory based on extensive scholarship continues making “national and international headlines and is a target for talking heads. Culture wars over critical race theory have turned school […]
Art Solomon writes… Aaron Rodgers arguably is the best quarterback in the National Football League, but also he is one of many athletes who should attend a PR 101 class. A basic PR rule that Rodgers broke is never to lie or mislead the media. The Green Bay Packers’ star denies he did. Yet, his […]
David Ball, writing for PR News, hits it on the head… With the return of HBO’s “Succession” next month, I remember at least one teachable communication moment from the second season. In episode six, a magazine writer approaches the leaders of fictitious Waystar Royco with a story of sexual harassment and abuse within the company. The story […]
Written for attorneys by Gray Robinson, but applicable to all… A large part of practicing law is persuading someone to believe, act or agree with your client’s position, whether in a courtroom or boardroom or at a negotiation or dinner table. We seek to persuade juries, judges, colleagues, friends, family or the media that we […]
From our colleague in Australia, Tony Jaques, reprinted with his permission… Boards and individual directors are now very clearly in the crosshairs when their organisation is battered by an operational crisis or high-profile issue. It used to seem sufficient to jettison the CEO and a handful of executives as red meat for the media, investors […]
If your organization is grappling with conflicting thoughts about whether or not to mandate that all of your employees get vaccinated as a condition of employment, we urge you to carefully read the article below. Risk communications concerns itself with making risk comprehensible and relatable to other risks, how to pay appropriate respect to […]
From Ken Broda-Bahm, Ph.D., writing for The Persuasive Litigator… Arriving for the preparation meeting, the witness notices that there’s someone new in the room: a communications consultant. A non-lawyer visiting from out-of-town, the consultant is introduced by the lawyer as a specialist in legal communication and as someone who “is here to help us prepare […]
From Renee DiResta, writing in The Atlantic… One Sunday morning in July of last year, a message from an anonymous account appeared on “Bernie or Vest,” a Discord chat server for fans of Senator Bernie Sanders. It contained an image of Shahid Buttar, the San Francisco activist challenging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the 2020 congressional runoff, and […]
By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications Our firm is best known for helping clients respond to crisis threats, emergencies and similar events where reputation is on the line. The communication response we create in these situations is designed to help an organization tell its side of the story to those who matter most. Those important audiences […]
By Jason Aten, writing for Inc… Communicating is easily the single most important job of leaders. If leadership is mostly about influence–and it is–then the ability to communicate a vision and motivate people to move toward that vision is the single most important characteristic a leader can have. The problem is, communication is hard. Sometimes […]