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Best Practices for Securing Your Home Network

National Security Agency | Cybersecurity Information Sheet You’ve heard of the FBI and CIA. How about the NSA? The National Security Agency (often referred to as No Such Agency) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). The NSA is responsible […]

Body Language Told Me Everything I Needed to Know About the GOP Debate

From Joe Novarro, writing for Politico I learned that humans are fairly good at lying — but they’re lousy at concealing their true emotions, especially when stressed. We reveal our unspoken thoughts in our bodies: faces flushed with embarrassment, lips pursed at unwelcome questions, fingers covering the neck dimple when discussing a touchy subject. I […]

Lessons Learned: The Mass Shootings in Tucson

Lessons learned are lessons planned, practiced, and shared. Each mass shooting incident has similarities and differences from all others, so articles like this one from 2012 can help better prepare all jurisdictions. By Sophia Paros for Domestic Preparedness On Saturday, 8 January 2011, at 10:10 a.m. Mountain Standard Time, a gunman opened fire on U.S. […]

Book Review: Chief Crisis Officer: Structure and Leadership for Effective Communications Response

In Chief Crisis Officer, our friend and colleague James Haggerty emphasizes the necessity for all organizations, regardless of size, to (1) have the structure in place for effective communications response, and (2) appoint a leader who can execute in the heat of the modern crisis—the “Chief Crisis Officer.” “Crisis communications planning is not merely for […]

Why Anger Makes a Wrongly Accused Person Look Guilty

By Michael Blanding for Harvard Business School A co-worker accuses you of lying during an important client meeting, and you’re furious because you didn’t lie. Expressing that anger, however, isn’t the best way to prove your innocence, according to new research. “People may misinterpret that anger as a sign of guilt,” says Harvard Business School […]

Maui Fires Should Prompt Drills, Updates to Your Crisis Communication Plan

By Deb Hileman for PRNews Maui continues to reel from wildfires that are now the deadliest in the U.S. in more than a century. It has been widely reported that in the hours leading up to the deadly Lahaina wildfire last week, Maui’s all-hazard sirens did not alert residents, and officials apparently relied on social media posts that reached […]

Responding When a Third Party’s Crisis Impacts Your Org

By Andrew Moyer for PRNews [Editor’s Note: With negotiations between UPS and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters still ongoing and the looming potential for the former to strike, businesses large and small must be prepared for disruption. Here, our author identifies the impact a third-party partner can have on an organization and how businesses should efficiently and accurately communicate […]

Guarding Your Reputation In The Age Of Public Knowledge

By Robert L. Dilenschneider, for Advisor Magazine In our hyper-connected world, the shadows of our past actions can loom large. Whether you had a much-regretted moment of infidelity or were arrested for (or worse, charged with) a crime many years ago, trust us: the internet knows. Heck, even that speeding ticket you got as a […]

Talking About a Difficult Decision — When You Can’t Share All the Details

By David Lancefield for Harvard Business Review Picture this scenario: You’re planning to make some organizational changes that will result in layoffs. Perhaps market conditions are difficult, or you’re integrating a company you acquired. You haven’t figured out all the details about numbers, timing, and terms, so it’s too early to share the full picture […]

Incident Management – The Whataburger Way

By Ron Derrick for Domestic Preparedness A community’s level of resilience during a disaster often relies on the preparedness efforts of its private sector partners. Companies that invest in preparing for and responding to large-scale events are protecting much more than just company profits. For example, the thought and design that went into one hamburger […]

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