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How Sora, OpenAI’s New Text-to-Video Tool, Could Harm Journalism and Society

The Poynter Institute for Media Studies is a non-profit journalism school and research organization in St. Petersburg, Florida. The school is the owner of the Tampa Bay Times newspaper and the International Fact-Checking Network. It also operates PolitiFact. In journalism circles, Poynter is considered to be a trusted source.   So when Poynter publishes a headline like this it’s a […]

With Elections Looming Worldwide, Here’s How to Identify and Investigate AI Audio Deepfakes

By Rowan Philip for NiemanLab In October 2023, an AI-synthesized impersonation of the voice of an opposition leader helped swing the election in Slovakia to a pro-Russia candidate. Another AI audio fake was layered onto a real video clip of a candidate in Pakistan, supposedly calling on voters to boycott the general election in February 2024. Ahead of […]

Protecting Reputation: Steps to Take in the Face of Leaked Internal Memos

By Eric Rose for PRNews This recent headline would make any crisis communicator cringe: “Amazon’s plans to advance its interests in California laid bare in leaked memo.” The story, which unfolded through a leaked internal memo, shed light on Amazon’s growth strategy in the Southern California region and its 2024 internal community outreach plans. As the […]

Is the CEO Really Your Best Crisis Spokesperson?

From our friend and colleague in Australia, Tony Jaques… Who should speak in a crisis? That deceptively simple question can help determine whether an organisation’s reputation is enhanced or irreparably damaged when things go wrong. And behind that question are two common errors in crisis management. The first error is the idea that “speaking with one voice” […]

A Resolution for Crisis Communicators: Banish Clichés

By Chris Gidez for PRNews Imagine a Jeopardy category titled, “Tired Corporate PR Phrases.” For example, “delivering solid results,” “leverage our strong position,” “people are our greatest asset,” and—perhaps the most infamous corporate cliché of all—”Safety is our top priority.” These phrases have become so over-used as to be worthless. But we continue to see them in […]

Lessons From a School on Handling a Social Media Crisis

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Whether in-person or virtual, the kids are still in school.  For the moment, however, this will be a class for the adults – and class is now in session on how to handle a social media crisis. On a Labor Day Sunday some time ago, the leadership team at a school […]

Should Legal Advice Take Precedence in a Crisis?

Our good friend and colleague, Dr. Tony Jaques, is a prolific writer and commentator on risk, issues and crisis management.  Based in Melbourne, Australia, he consults and has written three books in the field, also producing his must-read newsletter, Managing Outcomes. Tony’s latest book is titled Ten Things Law School Doesn’t Teach About Crisis Management.  Read below to […]

A Swift Reputation

Time Magazine chose Taylor Swift as Person of the Year, offering a jump-off to examine the challenges faced by CEO’s and nonprofit executives in today’s climate of intense consumer activism and digital scrutiny, highlighting how modern boycotts and activism can cause lasting reputational damage to brands, unlike in the past. The article emphasizes the need for […]

Patrick Mahomes’s Football Tantrum

By Nicole Schuman for PRNews On the evening of Dec. 10, Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes attempted to lead his team to a late-game comeback victory against the Buffalo Bills. It certainly looked like the Bills would suffer another heartbreaking loss as Mahomes launched a pass to tight end Travis Kelce, who lateraled the […]

Lawyers, Demigods, Outrage Management & Crisis Communications

By Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications At Hennes Communications, we often tell clients that they have an attorney for the Court of Law. But they have us for the Court of Public Opinion. And those two courts often require different – and at times conflicting – strategies. Attorneys have persuasive arguments for tailoring a strategy completely around […]

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