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September 11: Escaping the South Tower and a Framework of Surviving an Infrastructure Disaster

Detect, Deny, Deduce, Debate, Decide, Do, Drive, Deliver and Divulge Kevin Laub was in the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11 when the North Tower was struck by the first plane.  Despite being told there was nothing to worry about, followed by instructions to stay in-place and the inertia and paralysis of […]

On Brett Favre’s Welfare Scandal

By Thom Weidlich for PRCG | Haggerty LLC Talk about a reputational challenge. The heat keeps turning up on ex-NFL quarterback Brett Favre. As part of a larger scandal, he’s alleged to have pressured Mississippi officials to turn over $8 million in welfare funds for his pet projects, including a volleyball stadium at his alma […]

Ten Things: The Art of Delivering Bad News

Editor’s Note: As we often do, here’s another article ostensibly aimed at attorneys, but 100% relevant to anyone who might have to deliver bad news. By Sterling Miller Most days being an in-house lawyer is a pretty good gig. It has certainly gotten more demanding over the last ten years or so, but there have […]

Lesson From Last Year’s False Missile Alert in Hawaii: Social Media is Crucial in Emergency Communication

By Tina Reed for Fierce Healthcare A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that social media could have been better harnessed to provide timely and effective communication to the public before and after the accidental alert was sent out. The researchers said the incident showed the importance of improving messaging during emergency risk communications to address the […]

What Not to Do When You Make a Mistake

By Amy McClurg for Thompson Hine Maybe you were lucky and opposing counsel was able to delete the inadvertent email you sent her before she read what would have inevitably blown your whole case. But what about for those lawyers who were not so fortunate? Did you commit malpractice? Do you anticipate hearing from disciplinary […]

Experiencing a Media Smear

We often counsel clients who have been wrongly accused to tell their side and do everything possible to get ahead of the story.  But sometimes, there aren’t any good choices, especially if the client’s most prized possession is his or her integrity.  While we can’t vouch for this man’s integrity, we thought this story was […]

Inside Fox Sports’ Controversial Hire of Urban Meyer

By Tom Jones for Poynter For the uninitiated, there’s something in the media world known as the Friday news dump. If you have news that you might feel sheepish about announcing, you wait until late on Friday — when everyone is headed out for the weekend — to make your announcement. You put it out […]

The 9 Rules for True Apologies

By Harriet Lerner Ph.D. for Psychology Today   I’ve been studying apologies—and the people who can’t give them—for more than two decades. But you don’t need to be an expert on the subject to recognize when a bad apology flattens you. Here’s a list of the nine essential ingredients of a true apology. The next time you […]

Lawyers Should Not Rewrite Crisis Communications

Introduction by Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications   Hennes Communications was founded in 1989 as a full-service public relations firm.  In 2001, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we became one of the few firms in North America focused exclusively on crisis management and crisis communications. Since then, we frequently work with attorneys, who tend to be the […]

Crafting the First Statement in Crisis Situations: What To Say and When to Say It

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications   For organizations responding to sudden, catastrophic crisis events, one of the most challenging decisions to make involves determining what to say and when to say it. Wait until all the facts have been gathered and you risk not being part of the critical first news cycle, which often sets […]

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