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Why Should a Local School System (K-12) Reach Out To a Crisis Communications Firm?

By Stephanie York, JD, Vice President, Hennes Communications Q: Why should a local school system (K-12) reach out to a crisis communications firm? A:  Quick – What’s the single highest priority for a public, private, independent or parochial school?  It’s not education.  It’s safety.  And just one part of that safety net is making sure the […]

Lots of PR Firms Sell Their Crisis Work – Let The Buyer Beware

By Bruce Hennes/Hennes Communications With no barriers to entry, every public relations firm in the U.S. now appears to offer “crisis communications.” They don’t. At least, all of those who claim to don’t. Crisis work requires a different – and often counterintuitive – skill set from the traditional practice of public relations.  It’s also an art […]

New to Crisis Management? Here’s a Quick Primer.

From Gail Baker, writing in Higher Education Today, a quick primer in crisis management, suitable for any organization, company or government agency. The day starts like any other. Need to handle a complicated personnel issue, post an enrollment update, and answer budget questions. As you prepare to leave for a meeting, there’s a call from […]

President Trump, the Russian Connection & Crisis Communications

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Some believe  President Trump and his closest advisers committed illegal acts by conspiring with Russian officials on a wide variety of political and financial activities. Some believe President Trump and his closest advisers indeed had contacts with Russian officials, but that those contacts were benign or perhaps even stupid, but […]

Thom Fladung, Managing Partner of Hennes Communications, Talks On-the-Record

Hear Thom Fladung, managing partner of Hennes Communications, talk to the Portage County Safety Council about crisis management here.  Hope you agree it’s worth the listen.

America’s Experts on the Biggest Threats and Challenges Facing Us in 2019

From Homeland Security Today As a political standoff shut down the government for 35 days, homeland security professionals scrambled to continue the mission. From Russia to China, to cyber attacks and near daily mass shootings, read on for where we should focus as a nation and in our communities. We reached out to our cadre […]

Not For All of Our Readers — Terror of Tomorrow: What Organizations Must Know to Share and Prepare

From Homeland Security Today Gate 15’s David Pounder asked Homeland Security Today Managing Editor Bridget Johnson to help paint a threat assessment for the year ahead for the benefit of critical infrastructure entities and Information Sharing and Analysis Centers and Organizations. We share that Q&A here for the benefit of all HSToday partners and readers. In […]

Damage Control: Recovering Your Firm’s Reputation After a Breach

From Kathy O’Brien, writing in the National Law Review: You can regain trust after a cyber breach. Here’s how. In March 2016, the FBI warned that hackers were targeting large international law firms to steal confidential client information and use it for insider trading, corporate espionage and other criminal purposes. Are law firms any more secure now? […]

With Cybersecurity #1 Feared Threat, Here’s How To Boot Up Your Crisis Communication Plans

By Thom Fladung/Hennes Communications When working with companies and organizations on crisis communication plans, we ask a simple question to the leadership team: What keeps you up at night? The #1 answer for businesses across the world is becoming clear: cybersecurity. Infosecurity Magazine, citing the 11th Annual Survey of Emerging Risks involving 200 risk managers […]

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