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Crafting the First Statement in Crisis Situations: What To Say and When to Say It

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications   For organizations responding to sudden, catastrophic crisis events, one of the most challenging decisions to make involves determining what to say and when to say it. Wait until all the facts have been gathered and you risk not being part of the critical first news cycle, which often sets […]

The Skill Set That Got You Into the C-Suite Isn’t Necessarily the Skill Set You Need to Manage a Crisis

It’s a simple fact: Controversies today are tried in the Court of Public Opinion more often than the Court of Law. News now breaks first on social media, with traditional media sweeping Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for leads. Whether your organization is immersed in crisis or dealing with a hot-button issue, your news can quickly […]

15 Ways Social Media Fuels Violent Extremism

By Bridget Johnson for Homeland Security Today ISIS roared onto the social media landscape not with a gruesome beheading, but with a fluffy kitten. The beheadings would be infamously broadcast by the terror group, leading to scattershot social media bans followed by new accounts created by terrorists and their loyalists to replace and augment the […]

Ohio Dept. of Homeland Security to Host a Public Safety Symposium August 2-4, 2022 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center

This conference runs concurrently with the 2022 Ohio School Safety Summit hosted by the Ohio School Safety Center. Sessions will include presentations and trainings related to trending public safety topics, best practices, success stories, trends and research. On Tuesday, August 2, Stephanie York from Hennes Communications will present Crisis Communications for Public Safety Officials at 11 […]

Use Peacetime Wisely: Plan Now For What To Say And Do In A Crisis

By Bruce Hennes, Hennes Communications Public officials, CEOs, executive directors and members of for-profit and non-profit boards have a responsibility to their stakeholders to plan for situations that will imperil life, limb and the ability of their organizations to fulfill their missions. In the immediate aftermath of a major incident, such as a mass shooting […]

7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Crisis Communications Firm

Crisis communications is a sub-specialty of the public relations profession that is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation. Crisis communications is aimed at raising awareness of a specific type of threat, the magnitude, outcomes, and specific behaviors to adopt to reduce the threat.   […]

How Cyberattacks Target Stakeholders

By Meredith Griffanti, Evan Roberts  and Josh Chodor of  FTI Consulting… For businesses hit by ransomware attacks, paying the ransom is often the most practical solution to recovering data and minimizing an extremely stressful situation. However, paying a ransom, which can sometimes range into the millions, is easier said than done. In situations where a […]

Florida School Board Association Partners with Hennes Communications to Provide Issues Management Crisis Management & Communications Services to Members

There are scores of reasons why your district can be thrust into the news. Lawsuit…sports controversy…social media threats…active shooter… board-superintendent clash…criminal accusation…discrimination complaints…diversity issues…FERPA or HIPAA violation…fiscal mismanagement…protest… sexual misconduct…student newspaper story…challenging conversations… testing controversy…union grievance/strike… Suddenly, there’s a TV crew in the parking lot, your local newspaper is on Line One and the situation […]

Q&A: How To Prepare For the Cyberattack That’s Coming – Or May Have Already Been Launched

Cleveland-based Fortress Security Risk Management is on the front lines of the cybersecurity wars with the goal, as Fortress puts it, of “protecting companies from the financial, operational, and emotional ravages of cybercrime.”  As Forbes reported earlier this year, businesses suffered 50% more cyberattack attempts per week in 2021 and they are accelerating in 2022. And not […]

7 Tips for Organizational Resilience All Year Round

From Mitch Mitchell, writing for Security Magazine… History has taught security teams that crisis situations can happen at any time and more frequently than anyone can anticipate. However, when a crisis does occur, organizations find themselves in a situation where survival is the main focus — the unprecedented disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic being […]

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