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Seven Phrases You Should Never Say on Television

In the most general terms, “risk communications” takes place before something actually happens.  According to emergency management expert Dr. Jeff Rubin, “In the preparedness business, engaging the public is a necessity and a challenge. Effective risk communication includes identifying audiences and understanding how they perceive the messages we broadcast. With that in mind, with tongue […]

Who Are Your Stakeholders?

[By Nora Jacobs] Short of prison time or financial ruin, businesses and other organizations probably fear media coverage of their problems more than any other threat confronting them.  Media, of course, love to leap on stories laden with conflict, guilt and incompetence, so it’s a justified fear.  Good crisis communication response strategies make sure clients […]

Why Tell a Story in a Crisis?

[By Bruce Hennes] In a recent New York Times article, reporter Alina Tugend wrote “It’s not enough just to offer up the facts about you or your company.  You need to be compelling, unforgettable, funny and smart.  Magnetic, even.  You need to have a good story.” Tugend is right, suggesting that people are often attracted […]

Pandora’s Box of Twitter Trolls

[by Howard Fencl, APR] Interacting on Twitter can be a powerful reputation-building tool. But if you haven’t considered that skeleton in the closet, prepare for a bash-fest that could reduce your hard-earned reputation to rubble. This week, comedian Bill Cosby and celebrity doc Mehmet Oz naively engaged the Twittersphere. Trolls attacked mercilessly. On Monday, serial […]

“It Can’t Happen Here”

[by Nora Jacobs] Over the years, we’ve spoken to countless clients about the crisis threats their organizations might face.  Many willingly accept that their business might be struck by an act of God — tornados, floods and fires most often come to mind.  But a surprisingly large number of clients seem to feel immune to […]

Risky Business

[by Bruce Hennes]  According to Reputation Dividend, a company that helps quantify the economic value of reputation for publicly held businesses, few CEOs would argue that their corporate reputation isn’t one of their company’s most precious assets. Giving thought to the difference between ‘brand’ and ‘reputation,’ Sandra Macleod writes, “The value and importance of a […]

10 Ways to Prepare for a Crisis

[by Nora Jacobs] We’re unaware of any insurance policy you can buy that will protect your organization from experiencing a crisis.  There are, however, several proven steps you can take to significantly enhance your crisis response capabilities.  Here’s a short checklist to get you started: 1)      Assess your threats. Determine the most likely events your […]

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