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Why First Impressions Stick

By Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D, writing for Two seconds – thirty seconds, tops – that’s all the time it takes some to assess your confidence, competence, status, likeability, warmth, and trustworthiness. That’s how much time you have to make a first impression. In fact, it’s impossible for us not to make these snap judgments about […]

We’re Not Hennes Paynter Anymore

Hennes Paynter Communications, one of the few firms in the U.S. focused exclusively on crisis communications and reputation management, is now Hennes Communications.  The firm also offers litigation communications and media training services to its clients that are “on trial” in the Court of Public Opinion.  The change follows the departure of former partner Barbara Paynter, […]

Issuing a Public Warning Is Not an Easy Decision

The decision to issue a warning to the public is never an easy one. Crisis Manager Lucien Canton writes about one of the most common reasons for failing to issue timely warnings: the fear of creating public panic. He argues that fear, particularly one that is contradicted by social science research, is never an excuse for […]

OP3 Conference – For Ohio Companies Concerned About Disaster Prevention, Response & Recovery

Ohio Emergency Management Agency Ohio Public Private Partnership Conference Cleveland State University June 23, 2015 In an effort to increasingly serve Ohioans before, during and after a disaster, the Ohio Department of Public Safety (ODPS) relies on strong partnerships between citizens, government, and private business. To strengthen these partnerships across the state, ODPS created the Ohio Public […]

Up Periscope! Everyone’s a Live Reporter Now

[by Howard Fencl, APR] I’ve media trained dozens of industry leaders who are just now getting their arms around social media and grasping how a single iconic photo snapped during their organization’s crisis by a disgruntled party can spiral into a viral flame storm in seconds. They’re horrified. And they ought to be. Because whether […]

Yesterday: Slam Books. Today: Online Bullying and Public Shaming.

[By Bruce Hennes] I recall, from the 1960s, what we called “Slam Books” – spiral-bound notebooks with a single student’s name at the top of each page and enough pages to list every student in class.  These books were passed surreptitiously, and students would write about their classmates until teachers confiscated them.  The anonymous comments […]

Why Internal Audiences Should Be Your Priority

[By Howard Fencl, APR] When we talk to clients about reputation management and ask who their most important audience is, “media” is all too often their answer. They are wrong. It is your internal audiences – your board, staff, vendors, volunteers, donors – who ultimately support your reputation or sink it. Your internal stakeholders are […]

10 Powerful and Simple Body Language Tips for 2015

Whenever Hennes Communications trains clients for public speaking – either to the media or other audiences – we always teach that it’s not just the words you use, it’s the way you deliver them. Over the decades, we’ve seen hundreds of examples of good and bad delivery.  What they have in common is the effective, or […]

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