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Social Media Monitoring by Government Agencies – A Fine Line Between Privacy & Public Safety

[By Scott Juba] Social media monitoring and surveillance is a fact of life in today’s twenty-first century communication landscape. It is a near certainty that every person reading this has had their online communication monitored.  In many cases, companies and brands track what customers and competitors are saying about them online and then use that […]

On the Ground in Cleveland During the Republican Convention

In a video produced by the Ohio Department of Public Safety, here’s what Cleveland looked like from ground level during the recent Republican National Convention.  As the Washington Post said: They told us there’d be riots. Instead, we got a street party. You can see that video here. NOTE:  The part about the convention starts at […]

How to Project Power

From The New York Times Magazine: ‘‘Keep your limbs away from your body,’’ says Deborah H Gruenfeld, a social psychologist who teaches at Stanford University. Some research shows that people posed in expansive postures feel more powerful, exhibit higher testosterone levels and have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol — all characteristics of high-ranking […]

The Benefits of Executive Communications Coaching

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] As part of your organization’s leadership team, you’re a walking, talking standard bearer of your brand and your reputation. What you communicate can dramatically impact your organization’s reputation. But HOW you communicate is crucial. Ineffectual, weak presentations are one of the quickest ways to damage your brand’s reputation. If your […]

I Muted Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton During the Debate. I Still Knew the Score.

We’ve told people for years that HOW you say something is more important than the exact words you use. Last week, the New York Times watched the first presidential debate with the sound off.  The idea was simple: to test the theory that what presidential candidates say during debates is less important than what they look like […]

Trick or Treat! Outrage Masquerades as Principles in Crisis Management

Why are organizations punished in the Court of Public Opinion for violating ethical principles when they have not broken any law? Dr. Peter Sandman, a preeminent risk communications expert, says when an issue sparks outrage (and we see plenty of organizations pilloried in social media by outraged trolls every day), society becomes desperate to blame […]

Hypervigilance and the Digital Age

Keywords: Cyberterrorism; Hypervigilance; PTSD; Abstract: This paper discusses the development of a hypervigilant culture within the U.S., with attention-grabbing low-frequency incidents overshadowing the far deadlier but less sensational every day risks. While we now live in a modern world where people are living longer, free-er, and richer than ever before, more of us have become […]

Responding to Reports of Sexual Abuse of Students, Past and Present – The Convergence of Attitudes and Expectations

From our friend and colleague, David Wolowitz… Recently, the responses of independent schools to reports of past abuse of students by faculty have received intense scrutiny by the news media, social media, survivors, victim’s lawyers and alumni. Why is this happening now? I believe we are in a period of cultural change in which there […]

Context is King: 4 Ways to Take Control of That Interview

[by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications] The second a crisis rears its ugly head and a reporter knocks on your door about it, you start quaking in your boots. You get a lump in your throat and notice you’re sweating. But you know in your heart that your organization is not the villain in this issue, […]

Crisis Communications: Too Important Not to Plan For

[by Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications]   As we try to hold on to the last days of summer, many organizations are well into planning for the year ahead.  If your organization’s fiscal year begins on January 1, chances are you’re already hard at work on your budget for 2017. A former boss of mine used […]

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