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Are Women Leaders More Calm In A Crisis? 6 Tips On Keeping Cool

From Michelle Weldon, writing in Take the Lead: Gender may or not play a role in how a leader handles a crisis, but as a women leader, you can decide how you will behave. And it is likely you will have a crisis on your hands eventually. “A disaster is a moment of truth for […]

Are You Prepared to Communicate During a Disaster That Can Cause Death & Destruction Within Minutes?

[By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications] That’s the key question contained in this poster, from an organization called Civic Plus.  It’s a good reminder to all organizations that communicating to stakeholders when an emergency strikes often needs to happen in seconds.  That means communicators need to have systems and techniques in place in advance that can […]

How Facebook’s Response Ignited the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

From our good friend and colleague, James Haggerty: In a crisis, it’s not the event itself that counts. It’s the response. Unfortunately for Facebook’s shareholders, it appears Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, and the company’s other leaders did not understand this basic rule of crisis management when handling the Cambridge Analytica scandal. For my 2017 book, Chief […]

Regaining Organizational Trust When Leadership Misbehaves

[By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications] It is a sad commentary on our times, but more and more of our work now involves helping clients who are dealing with the aftermath of misbehavior among their leadership ranks.  Accusations of sexual misconduct, charges of criminal behavior, questionable ethical behavior and significant violations of organizational policies can all […]

Bot or Not? The Answer Can Help Your Crisis Communications Response – and Protect Your Reputation.

[By Thom Fladung/Hennes Communications] Talk to a bot lately? If you’re on Twitter, chances are decent you have. Bots are automated accounts that have proliferated in social media networks, particularly Twitter and Instagram. They appear to be real people. “They come in all shapes and sizes, and they are borderline perfect,” a story in Forbes […]

He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About An Information Apocalypse.

From Buzzfeed: “What happens when anyone can make it appear as if anything has happened, regardless of whether or not it did?” technologist Aviv Ovadya warns. In mid-2016, Aviv Ovadya realized there was something fundamentally wrong with the internet — so wrong that he abandoned his work and sounded an alarm. A few weeks before the 2016 election, […]

Tough Calls: Is Your Loyalty to the Person, Office or Organization?

A frequent concern at Hennes Communications before and during the work we do for clients is to make certain we understand who our client actually is.  In most situations, it’s an institution, organization or company – not necessarily the individual who hired us or signed the engagement letter.  Many of our readers must make that […]

The White House Flouts the First Rule of Crisis Communications: Get the Facts Out Fast

From The New York Times: WASHINGTON — By the time the furor over a presidential aide accused of spousal abuse reached a second week, the White House account of what happened became less clear, not more. The contradictions were multiplying. The daily news briefing was filled with caveats. “I can only give you the best […]

Preparing for Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

By Nora Jacobs, Hennes Communications NOTE:  While this article is aimed at school-related allegations of sexual misconduct, the lessons here are applicable to all market sectors. As we have seen on the national stage recently, there appears to be no statute of limitations when it comes to allegations of sexual misconduct.  Thanks especially to the […]

The Art of the Public Apology

From Ashraf Rushdy: Just prior to his sentencing, former USA Gymnastics physician Larry Nassar formally apologized to the more than 160 women whom he’d sexually abused. He joins a growing list. Over the past few months, many public personalities accused of sexual assault have apologized in public. Many of us at this point are wondering what these apologies mean. Indeed, like […]

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